OurCommieMan [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2020

  • Both sides suck a lot but I tend to favor the Stormcloaks. I’m much more empathetic to a national liberation of a people that’s being round up and put in concentration camps for their religious beliefs than I am towards an empire that helps perpetuate the concentration camps. The Stormcloaks biggest fault is their racism which honestly in the context of the elder scrolls really isn’t that bad. Its nothing unique to the Stormcloaks; the Imperial citizens in Oblivion were pretty racist towards Khajit and Argonians IIRC, and Dark Elves were gigantic xenophobes in Morrowind as well. Also people in the Elder Scrolls universe are not racist the way humans are racist to other humans for minor differences in skin color or shit like that. They’re racist (idek if you can call it that) towards completely separate biological species. It doesn’t make it much better but IMO we shouldn’t think of Nords being racist towards Dark Elves as the same thing as Anglo Texans being racist towards Hispanic people.