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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023


  • Paragone@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mldds
    8 months ago

    Spend a half-month considering, deeply, which path you would most-value having taken at the end of your life.

    Due to an unconscious psychological-limitation, imagine your funeral at 1.5x your current age ( we apparently have a kind of "horizon" in our ability to understand our meaning beyond that ),

    and imagine each significant variant, or compromise, and see how each makes you, in that future-condition/context feel.

    Your answer is within you, same as for everyone.

    _ /\ _


    and not just privilege's gaslighting about it ( via making-certain that the poorest have inferior-nutrition, inferior-air-quality, worse-pollution, inferior-education, inferior-healthcare, etc ),

    then yes, I hold it is The Proper Way.

    However, it REQUIRES a truly-level playing-field, and not a 2-tiered "level" playing-field.

    The Scandinavian system of ONLY public-schooling, so there is only 1 tier of education-quality, is a required component.

    Student nutrition needs to be guaranteed.

    Healthcare needs to work properly, for all.

    Livingwage needs to be for all full-time work, and companies that try to hire only part-time for the real-work, have to have the profit-benefit of such hamstringing-of-many-lives cut from them all, permanently.

    Fairness requries careful systematic, & openly-honest enforcement, because the DarkHexad: narcissism/machiavellianism/sociopathy-psychopathy/nihilism/sadism/systemic-dishonesty ALWAYS seeks to enforce abusive-exploitation, and it is underhandedly aggressive, and natural in our human nature.

    Not mitigating it == accommodating it.

    Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, eh?

    _ /\ _

  • Don't put-up with Israel's gaslighting.

    I used to support Israel.

    As an Englishman, whose identity I don't remember pointed-out, years ago:

    IF the Jews of the region have a moral-right to their own homeland, THEN so do the Palestinians.


    Once someone has proven they are only narcissistic-machiavellian-sociopath/psychopath, through their nihilistic obliteration of other's lives, and much more, and throught their sadism,

    they have ZERO claim on God, on "scripture", or on "validity" or on Truth.

    The old rabbis ( find some interviewed on youtube! ) who call-out Israel & I stand together in contempting their lies.

    KNOW gaslighters for what they are, & deal-with-them as such.

    Rabies is rabies.

    IF the patient can be got sane/healthy, then help 'em do that, but if not...

    then don't let 'em infect you with their rabies.

    ( & that goes also for Hamas's terror-strike, too: both sides have crossed the line into worshipping nihilism/mass-murder, while claiming God, sadly )

    _ /\ _

  • Read Hofstede's "Exploring Culture", and consider that a person in a high-collectivity culture, which also is a high-power-distance culture, may well answer the survey with what "face" requires them to say, instead of answering with what they, themselves, feel.

    If you aren't correcting for that, you're doing propaganda, not science.

    Different cultures REQUIRE different subjectivities be taken-into-account.

    I think it would be more valid to dig into specific dimensions of happiness, & make some of those objective ( cortisol-blood-levels, for measuring stress, e.g. )

    WHEN you ask people in individualistic cultures a question, and THEN you ask people in collectivist cultures the SAME question, they are not answering the same question, they are answering the social-pressure question, instead.

    It makes complete mincemeat of cross-cultural measuring of "objective" things.

    Try reading Lanier's "Foreign to Familiar" book, & understand just HOW different warm-vs-nordic cultures are, in instinct/reactions,

    then it should be more obvious how such surveys are disinformation, not information.

  • I'm Buddhist, so I'm answering this question from my real-life standpoint:

    Authentic Realization of one's Ultimate ( original awareness ) Nature.

    What could be more precious?

    Given that ALL of one's unconscious-mind's mechanisms exist to block that from happening, to protect unconsciousness's Eternal unbroken dominion, what could be more difficult to earn/obtain?

    All the distractions in the world, "helping" one to NOT earn one's deepest profoundest Truth...

    All the profits that cease, should one get anywhere in self-realization...

    You simply don't need any external resource, for there to be a most-precious-resource, you know?

  • Define "Friendly Fire" when it was a bit-error in a logic-board that made an AI butcher our own troops...

    This is inevitable, just as autonomous kill-drones are inevitable.

    Still jacking-up WW3's tantrum/pogrom as hard as possible, of course..

    The Great Filter is going to change the unconscious-mind nature of whatever remnant surivives this century.

    ( PS: the only climate-model I know-of that ISN'T contradicted by Antarctica's current heating, is a powerlaw, and it predicts between 5C & 9C heating for our current atmospheric CO2 & human-added-methane.

    5+C when the methane's CO2-equivalent is ignored, between 8C & 9C when it is included.

    That, too, is a Friendly Fire, incident, but planet-scope, right?

    Evolution of global temperature over the past two million years https://www.nature.com/articles/nature19798

    Factoring in the excess methane, only, that we're producing, brings it up to 8.33C planetary heating, using methane's 20y CO2 equivalent. Other manufactured greenhouse-gasses are not included in that estimate.

    Other tidbits...

    Just Have A Think, Antarctica https://youtu.be/T0qRoeEcKtY

    Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adh2458

    Emperor’s New Climate Scenarios – a warning for financial services https://actuaries.org.uk/emperors-new-climate-scenarios

    https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/08/antarctica-warming-much-faster-than-models-predicted-in-deeply-concerning-sign-for-sea-levels )

    Isn't the Pentagon & the pushers it is addicted-to, every bit as trustworthy as Big Oil?

  • There was an item in New Scientist, perhaps last century, of an experiment done at a hospital's ICU ( UK, iirc, the hospital had some kind of religious name, like St (somethingorother) ),

    and that experiment tested whether patient-to-patient infections were affected by ionizers ( which charge the air, making particles in the air stick to surfaces, like walls, objects, whatever )...

    That experiment had no effect in the control condition, but the ionizer-test condition reduced those infections down to ZERO.

    No hospital with any reputation would dare use such "New Age woo", of course, no matter that evidence, combined with the Hippocratic Oath ( 1st do no harm! ), should oblige its use.


    I couldn't find much of anything through DuckDuckGo.com

    and Scholar.Google.com had stuff that wasn't what I was trying to find,

    and normal google had this


    Anyways, according to the NO cases of inter-patient infection that was reported in the study I remember, it should have been made globally normal.

    Notice that the things are called, by many, "air cleaners".

    I'm disputing that air cleaners have no effect on health ( put a box-fan with a 20"-square furnace-filter on the suction-side of it, and it'll reduce the amount of dust, without any expensive products, and in some areas, in industrial or desert zones, e.g. it'll likely reduce the harm done to one's lungs by that air ), and pointing-out that different definitions of "air cleaner" are valid, though not about the same thing.

  • Paragone@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlFascism Everywhere
    10 months ago

    Russia, the invader, is the Good Guys, in the Russia vs Ukraine war??



    People need to understand those 10 points that are characteristic of Fascism.

    Comically, Fascism was invented by a Black man, an African, named Marcus Garvey, and Mussolini stole it from him, then Hitler from him, to the best of my knowledge...

  • Wikipedia has an ISB# search system, but the only way I know-of to use it,

    is to bash around on wikipedia until one succeeds in finding a link that uses that search-system, in some page's References section,

    ...and then when I get to that system, then change the ISB# to the book I'm trying to find...

    I WISH that Lemmy had an inbuilt facility for giving it a book, and it would produce the wikipedia-book-search link that is required for that book,

    because then the viewer gets ALL venues for the thing, plain as day.

    : )

    Here's seconding your vote for OpenLibrary, btw: they showed me that a couple of textbooks weren't skippable or replaceable ( "Principles of Yacht Design", e.g. )

    As for links to Amazon: I do that, specifically because the reviews for the books are so important to deciding what the worth of the book is, for any individual reader!

    You need to read the sample AND the reviews, often, to decide if it's worth that amount of money.

    I wish I could provide both the Amazon link AND the Wikipedia ISB# link ( for the paper version, obviously, as every ebook platform has its own ISB#'s ), and then people could see the sample, the reviews, AND could see all the options for getting it, laid-out before their eyes.

    ( :

  • There is a Powerlaw underlying global temperature, in the interglacial-times:

    280-ish parts-per-million CO2 as the baseline...

    The 9th-root-of-2 times that, gives you what CO2 level produces 1C global warming.

    280*(9th-root-of-2)^2 gives you what ppm CO2 produces 2C global warming.

    280*(9th-root-of-2)^3 gives you what ppm CO2 produces 3C global warming.

    All the way up to 9C.

    All the simulaitons which contradict the measured polar heating, the mega-rivers IN Greenland's ice, etc, are red herrings, and relying on them is incompetent: the evidence has already falsified their predictions.

    Here is the paper:


    Notice that even not counting all the other greenhouse-gasses, like methane, sulfur-hexafuoride, etc, we already have guaranteed that the planet must stabilize at more than 5C,

    .. not the 1.5C or 2C that the simulations-which-contradict-evidence predict.

    This powerlaw is measured, historical fact.

    Delusionally ignoring it .. isn't worthy of respect, OR able to create viability for our species.

    I don't know that there will be any life left, in the tropics, within 1 century.

    400+ cubic-km/year melting, now, iirc, and still accelerating, darkening the albedo of the planet...

    : \