Can anyone send me that Barbara Pit Massacre get in the pit video? Having a hard time finding it anywhere.
Can anyone send me that Barbara Pit Massacre get in the pit video? Having a hard time finding it anywhere.
Why weren't you and the people you were apparently bigoted against equally susceptible to the propaganda? American culture is broadcast to every inch of the globe, why is it that those who benefit from the global economic system are most susceptible to it while those who benefit least are the least susceptible to it? There are obvious exceptions, like people at the bottom of a hierarchy embracing Capitalist ideology in an attempt to escape their conditions, and, you know, Engels. But I think it's frankly absurd to argue that it's not generally true.
Thinking about "they hate us for our freedom."
Really reinforces my conviction that Roderic Day is fundamentally correct about propaganda. Settlers aren't helpless victims of brainwashing, they willingly seek out self-flattery.
It's absurd on its face to think that anyone was "brainwashed" by something as transparently false and stupid as "they hate us for our freedom." Not even the slightest kernel of truth, but it's flattering.
Don't worry buddy. I don't have the power to turn people into meat, otherwise there'd be a lot more meat.
This idea that desiring the downfall of the US is relegated to "Westerners" is so revealing of their Hitlerite chauvinism. They genuinely believe their own bullshit.
After this last year, I need Americans to understand that I would support their destruction even if revolution wasn't the prospect on the other side. If the genocide in Gaza wasn't a red line for you, I hope your entire family is turned into meat.
Americans are genuinely shocked to learn that most people around the world don't find the proposition of throwing babies into incinerators for eternity so that the most comfortable people in history can maintain their comfort very persuasive.
I didn't ask you to watch it, I presented it for people who are actually curious about the world.
Lmao I'm really glad our enemies are so stupid.
I don't know, but you're in charge of propaganda posters now.
I have a hypothesis that people react differently to the cold calculus of Politically Necessary Genocide when it's their loved ones who are being offered up for sacrifice. But I suppose we'll see.
I don't have an answer right now, but I promise that if I ever approach a position of power, I will have a fully-detailed policy paper on the American Question.
I didn't have my Hitler Particle Detector handy.
The last time I suggested that getting rid of Americans would be a net good, people got really mad for some reason.
Thank you!