Redlibrary1917 [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: April 5th, 2021

  • Maoists are known for being extremely fucking sectarian, lmao.

    It's not about popular opinion. In my community, "Leftcoms are useless idiots who get off to the idea of their own intellectual superiority" would be extremely popular. It is, nevertheless, sectarian.

    It's not about truth, either. Saying that Anarchists have never brought about meaningful change is true and it's also sectarian. Saying that Maoists are paradoxically obsessed with violence and being the underdog is true and also sectarian.

  • Redlibrary1917 [he/him]tomemesWhen a lib larper says China bad
    4 years ago

    Something being the standard Maoist position does not make it not sectarian lmao

    I'm sure that from your point of view, "China fake socialist state capitalist" is an objective statement of fact. "Leftcoms are pathetic losers who have never affected anything in any way" is also, from my perspective, a statement of objective fact. Both, however, are sectarian.

  • Redlibrary1917 [he/him]tomemesWhen a lib larper says China bad
    4 years ago

    Ok idealist.

    I don't even know where to begin, so I suggest you read a book. The idea that protests are inherently good or that a proper Socialist government would somehow be immune to discontent are pure idealist nonsense.

    I don't care about whatever ludicrous purist idea of Socialism that has never existed you subscribe to, it's utterly irrelevant to history and the International Proletarian Movement. It seems like you're trying to position yourself as some Leftcom when you're very obviously just a RadLib who still believes all the bullshit you were fed as a Liberal.