Secondthought_JT [he/him]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: December 10th, 2022


  • Ehhh yeah, I understand what you're coming from, but as bad as it sounds it's just not as pressing an issue as the liberation of humanity. I'm sure we'll have someone on at some point, but only if we can find someone who won't make our audience feel attacked for not being able to afford plant-based alternatives. We have listeners from all over the world and from all sorts of different backgrounds, and while I think all of us can agree that animal rights are important, not everyone is able to live that lifestyle

  • Good question. On the one hand, yeah, it's a despicable career. On the other, we all have to survive under capitalism. If that's what you're trained to do, get that bag, but you better also agitate to destroy the machine that makes defense companies so lucrative. And heck, I'm not advocating for anything, but having some communists working on these crucial bits of US military equipment could be...interesting

  • Mostly we need our orgs to shake the accusation that they're tailing the democrats or too heavily invested in electoral politics. CPUSA has real trouble with this. I'm not saying these accusations are accurate, but if so many people come to that conclusion we're doing something wrong. I think part of it is the associated publication, People's World. Some of those articles are absolute trash and really harm the party's image

  • I wrote up a response to a similar question elsewhere, so I'll paraphrase here. Our job is to fight fascism at home and support fraternal organizations abroad by joining and working with our domestic communist orgs. We can't help the revolutionaries in the global south alone, but inter-organization solidarity is very useful and there are often concrete initiatives we can get involved in!