• 0 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: October 31st, 2021


  • After watching a Jackson galaxy video on how to stop your cat from waking you up early, I followed the advice of never feeding immediately after getting up, and instead doing a certain activity first, like making coffee. After a month of taking a shower before feeding, my cat no longer makes any noise in the morning and only starts getting noisy when I step out of the shower. So thats a good tip for those who can't free feed. I also started collecting every toy and putting them in a secure box before bed since she has a tendency to chase toys around in the middle of the night and yelp with one in her mouth.

  • My roborock has been revolutionary for my apartments cleanliness. I've had it about 1.5 years and I've only emptied the dock's bag twice (I live in a small apartment). I have the water change kit so it auto refills the docks clean water tank from the laundry hookup and auto empties dirty mop water down the laundry room's drain. I only have to clean the sensors and rinse the drain screen every 2-3 weeks but otherwise it's on autopilot on a schedule and my floors are spotless and free of dust and cat fur.

  • Stephen304@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlWhy do you use firefox?
    9 months ago

    A major reason for me is manifest v3 and other shenanigans designed to neuter ad blockers. Secondary to that is promoting web renderer diversity - as a web dev I don't want to go back to the days where we could only afford to cater to one engine - chromium / blink in this case.