• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Apologies for the slow reply

    No worries, I'm also not that much of a fast replyer.

    Have you disabled auto start in the DHCP profile?

    I probably could have been a bit clearer what I mean too: Those profiles with DHCP enabled in network manager should have a 'Connect automatically' toggle, maybe try just turning them off instead of deleting them, and make sure they're turned on for the static IP profile.

    I also haven't used Xubuntu in a while, and this is mostly for Debian KDE and Ubuntu, so I'm hoping it's the same.

  • I probably wouldn't describe it as similar, but virt-manager is fairly simple but powerful at the same time (like it will let you expose more advanced KVM/QEMU features like PCIe passthrough and similar).

    But like the other guy said, gnome boxes is very straight forward and probably more similar in it's simplicity.

    They both use QEMU + KVM, so you can have both virt-manager and boxes installed at once, and I believe virt-manager (probably boxes too) easily let you use existing VirtualBox .vdi files, if you've got an existing VM you want to run. Also like I said before, KVM is already mainlined into the Linux kernel, so you don't have to install sketchy kernel modules and stuff.

    I've only used VirtualBox once though, so I can't really compare them.

  • Okay so for whatever reason, turning Freesync on and off a bunch of times from the OSD and then replugging works until the next reboot, so I've dumped the working EDID and I'm trying to figure out how to load it at boot (but I'm not having much luck).

    For reference, the monitor is a Samsung LC24RG50.

    Edit: Got the EDID loaded, KDE says it's supported, but VRRTest doesn't really seem to do anything.

    Edit 2: Other games work fine.

  • I actually might be having a similar issue on one of my servers, every 5 to 10 seconds the hypervisor will just freeze for less than a second, and it doesn't repeat characters but it still makes typing in SSH super annoying. I did find using irqstat that during that time, interrupts from the ahci kernel module would spike into the 50,000s, so I have a feeling it's to do with that, but I haven't really figured it out yet, since it somehow doesn't actually seem to affect my VMs.

    Although it probably isn't related considering switching to KDE fixed it for you, and I haven't got display stuff installed.