• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • If you're not doing anything crazy, there's no reason linux should be any harder to use than Windows.

    Once you're up and running, daily life will be pretty straightforward.

    Plenty of great advice in the other posts that I won't rehash. One thing I didn't see mentioned is using a live boot to try out linux. You can basically run it off a USB stick before you install it to get a feel for what it's like. Most "beginner friendly" distros will have tutorials on how to create the live disk. Example for Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/articles/live-disk/

  • Admittedly I haven't been following US politics much since Biden took office and things calmed down a bit... so I was more than a little surprised to read that they're trying to impeach him. I couldn't possibly imagine what for since he's the most milquetoast president we've had in ages. Turns out it's not even him, it's "his family's shady business dealings" whatever the fuck that means.

    Honestly, it's like the GOP has no concept of morality or laws and just heard someone say that Trump did that and it was bad so we should accuse Biden of it!

  • I tried using a guide online one time to build a linux router/firewall onto a passively-cooled mini-computer that I could leave on a shelf with no I/O connected... basically a replacement for the garbo off-the-shelf wifi routers that die every year. It worked...mostly. The problem is that the random little things that didn't work right just were insurmountable for a linux noob who was just trying to follow a guide.

    I hate that spending money on the best ones you can buy STILL die after a year or two. And now they all require you to login so even more people can inspect all my network traffic.

    I'd love to see a guide that's kept up to date for building a simple router/firewall, with sections like you have above for more information so people can unlock ports for unusual stuff or whatever. I mean, in a perfect world, you install a LTS OS and set it up and forget about it for a few years. Mine was like that except it required manual intervention every time it rebooted. If that wasn't the case, it would have been perfect and I would be recommeding it to everyone.