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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • I absolutely agree that the performance is dogcrap and the graphics aren't a big upgrade from the original (at playable framerates) but the gameplay is definitely not stripped down from the base game without DLCs; on the other hand, some things from some of the DLCs have been implemented into the new game along with stuff we haven't seen at all.

  • In my opinion, no. At least not under the reins of Google.

    Android 11 added scoped storage, severely limiting file access from apps, although app developers have found ways to work with it.

    Android 12 did a lot of UI redesigning, including the horrible Internet toggle and it just seemed like there is way too much whitespace.

    Android 13 did something right: Made you confirm if you want notifications from apps. IDK why it took this long for such a basic feature even iOS had for forever.

    Android 14... Nothing really useful, but they are limiting sideloading of old apps that tend to be super efficient on storage, memory, and CPU. It's a defeat in the ongoing war between Google and sideloading. They also are trying to force the volume down when it's too high for too long, even when it's paired with a Bluetooth device at low volume, another braindead move with possibly good intentions but terrible execution.

    With other OEMs (Samsung, BBK, Xiaomi, etc), they still sometimes add useful stuff, but I have a Motorola, so I don't have much of an opinion on the extra stuff.

    Google is saving their actually innovative and useful features for the Pixel line of phones. Many of these features are really software that Google arbitrarily locks to the Pixel.

    And many of the Google stuff has just been getting worse and worse, they've been getting more and more pushy on me when I do something they don't like (disable location, for example). Google likes the idea of trying to make Android more like iOS and restrict user freedom. This is why Android market share is declining in the US: If you want iOS, buy an iPhone.

  • Quit work and take lighter loads in school.

    Buy a nice house in Maine right on the water.

    Buy a supercar, and all the motorcycles I could ever want.

    Go on crazy adventures like an Appalachian trail thru-hike.

    All this would be less than 10% of my yearly income. The other 90% would go to charity, helping the homeless and bolstering free and open source software.

  • Most of the time, I view piracy as a last resort. I'll try to legally obtain it, but there are circumstances when I do sail the seas:

    1. Textbooks. This is a all around greedy industry preying on poor college students like me that barely pays the actual authors. They don't deserve my money, and I don't have much of it anyways.

    2. Video games/books I already own. I already paid for it, so it's justifies to me.

    3. Old video games that don't have a real platform that I emulate. I understand that I shouldn't pirate a 2021 video game, but a 2001 video game that I can't legally buy on PC/phone is a different matter.

    4. Aforementioned skimming through books. I might buy it after doing that.

    5. Music. Why? Half the stuff I listen to isn't even on Spotify or other streaming platforms. Additionally, I can manage my own library, listen offline without having to follow the whims of a streaming app, and even change the pitch and speed of the music!