um... did my bio get deleted?

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Maybe because of the literal content of your post?

    I scrolled through some of their posts and comments and it’s full of ridiculous anti-left propaganda, for example a post where some liberal Florida family fleeing the state when some child protection laws got passed, implying liberals abuse children and won’t live in a state that doesn’t allow them to.

    I've got news for you: the entire planet has not taken up American political idiocy. Nobody outside of the USA (and many of the people in it) gives a fuck about American political slapfights.

    If you want a safe space instance for one or another American "team," find it somewhere else or start one yourself.

  • If you block all of Meta just because they’re Meta, not only do you punish countless potential valued contributors who have done no wrong,

    Bullshit. There's no "punishment" whatsoever. Those users are free to open accounts on fediverse servers at any time.

    you also embolden Meta to engage with the Fediverse in less legitimate, more underhanded ways.

    You mean like anointing a few heads of big instances as representatives of fedi and trying to get them to sign NDAs? Shit like that?

    Let’s focus on building affirmatively and consciously the community we want

    This is literally the point of pre-emptive blocking. Meta is an existential threat to the quality of this place, period point blank.

    People, individual people, built Fedi out of nothing. It's our party, we quite like it, and we can pre-disinvite entities with an enormous track record of shitty behavior whenever we want.

    If you want to interact with such entities and the typical user that comes with, by all means, find servers that federate. It will drive a netsplit, and that sucks, but it's also working as intended.

    I just hope SDF is on the right side of the split. Fuck Facebook and every single thing they stand for.

  • Remember, Facebook literally facilitated ethnic cleansing as a result of their techbro "move fast and break things" philosophy and their disinterest in paying for content mods with knowledge of local languages.

    Meta doesn't give a fuck about anyone here or anything we've built. Mark Zuckerberg wants power and money and to push his weird bloodless McDonalds-ized vision of what the Internet should be on every single person on this planet.

    Fuck that, and fuck any sort of cooperation with it.

    I made the decision to leave shitty corporate platforms for a reason. The people I'd like to follow or interact with who still only use such platforms can come to their decision in their own time.

    I am not interested in selling out my values, nor am I interested in enduring a tsunami of bottom-of-the-barrel interaction with average Meta users, in the name of interoperability. Meta made the choice to be a shitty entity with shitty values that builds shitty things. I don't feel like being covered in shit.