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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I was hanging with a group consisting of mostly older millennial gay men who don't like that trans people are being included alongside them in conversations about human rights, sexuality, and gender. They think it takes away from the fight their community has gone through over the past few generations.

    I chewed them out. Like, a lot. I am usually not at all confrontational but I pretty much stunned them into silence. Now I'm waiting to let them process, expecting a couple to reach out to me to step back from some of the shit they were saying. If that doesn't happen, I guess I'm not really welcome in that group anymore and I'm ok with that.

    There are no trans people in this group. I'm not a gay man nor am I trans. But when I hear shit like that, I hear echos of gay men activists not being willing to work with lesbian women activists, white feminists not includig black women, male laborers trying to keep women out of labor rights movements. It's stupid. It's tribal and hateful. It undercuts the strength the movement could have if we weren't asshats about it.

    Rights campaigning 101, strength in unity. This is basic ass shit.

  • Anytime we ask questions about poor people doing things to make a buck, you probably won't find me talking negatively or blaming the people with few to no options.

    I've been in a financial situation where selling my blood plasma was an easy, safe, guaranteed amount of money that kept me from getting deeper into the hole. I'm not going to knock anyone who does it, only the shitty social services that fail people to the point they have to sell their plasma to survive.

  • I don't know how to answer "exotic". "Exotic" can easily slip into xenophobic territory.

    Maybe I answer with a restaurant from a specific culture that I had never been exposed to before? In which case, Himalayan/Tibetan/Nepalese. I could eat momos every day. But I say that about every savory-wrapped-in-dough thing. Dumplings, empanadas, bierocks, meat pies, xian bing, piroshki, is there a culture that doesn't have some variation of that? And it's always good. If ever there is need for a flag to represent Humanity, it should be of a savory pie.

  • Do you do breathing stuff?

    Lately I've been digging bee breath, or bhramari pranayama. Basically, just hum/buzz on slow exhales. Sometimes other breathing techniques, like box breathing, leave my mind too open to wild thoughts and distractions getting in. Bee breath is just enough extra for me to focus on so I can keep the other thoughts at bay. Playing around with different pitches and buzziness is kinda fun too.

  • If I had to put down money, I would bet 0% are actually wealthy with stable jobs capable of providing a spouse and multiple children with a "will want for nothing" lifestyle. I would guess 50-70% are attempting some sort of pig butchering or other scam. And the remainder are so disillusioned, they think their offer is actually a temptation for anyone beyond those trying to escape from an even worse situation.

  • I once got a reddit DM from a guy offering to be my sugar daddy. All I had to do was give up family, friends, hobbies, career, move in with him and have his babies. He assured me I would want for nothing. I turned him down, but I was just a simple "yes" away from being so wealthy and happy. He was also highly complimentary of my looks, despite never seeing even a photo of me, so I know he wasn't shallow.

    Edit: ok, that's all a lie. I got like 6 DMs like this. And that's when I turned direct messaging off for my reddit account.

  • I work for a company that requires everything to have a privacy policy that meets some minimums. We're technically not supposed to even use Google websearch because putting any question into it potentially sends company information into the world and out of our control. That one's not really enforced, thank goodness.

    Without a privacy policy, I guess the calculator app could scrape the numbers you're entering, plus, idk an email and a OneNote entry for context, to reverse engineer the latest doodad we've been designing.

    It's difficult to imagine what numbers from the calculator alone could be used for, but combine it with other information and you've got a problem.