I mean that reason is probably going to lose out if there's an opportunity for Trump to look good
Like with the nuclear secrets they walked off with lol
The fart of the deallll babyyy
Quick someone print a headline about retail thefts to distract people
Walmart announced it will monitor its marketplace to ensure “inappropriate sexual and/or transgender products” are not marketed to children, USA Today reports.
Like or not, in capitalism one of the ways someone/kids might become aware of the existence of trans people is through an innocuous advertisement. This is just pointlessly cruel.
akshually you are literally buying votes
why don't we have more reservoirs filled?
oh so now you give a shit about proactive measures, huh?
Sorry sweaty, mental health is only important if you're a school shooter
They kinda have one but it's about their solemn duty as journalists to endanger as many trans lives as possible
It'll be the Gulf of Mexico depending on the circumstances
you may not like it but this is what peak mixed-use looks like
What happens if you can't find other people like you? They invent them.
an average voter?
Micro genres for leaving on in the background so you can trick yourself into thinking you aren't completely alone
silver legion has gone too far
we have to peacefully debate the people who operate for-profit death panels
Quiet couping
good thing they got rid of stop and frisk
Iirc Kansas started forcing people to change things back (e.g. if you needed a driver's license renewal)
made me realize I probably shouldn't go through the effort of changing since 1) they would have a record of that change 2) they will probably just change it back or some shit