• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • code that's been written today has been made obsolete by a language feature in the latest nightly build

    I mean couldnt you say that about any language? There's lots of old C code that's obsoleted by features in C11. There's lots of stuff written in python today that's obsoleted by stuff in the 3.13 alpha. It's just kinda how things go.

    Doesnt the edition system prevent this from being too big of an issue anyway?

  • For downsides, i'd like to add that the lack of function overloading and default parameters can be really obnoxious and lead to [stupid ugly garbage].

    A funny one i found in the standard library is in time::Duration. Duration::as_nanos() returns a u128, Duration::from_nanos() only accepts a u64. That means you need to explicitly downcast and possibly lose data to make a Duration after any transformations you did.

    They cant change from_nanos() to accept u128 instead because that's breaking since type casting upwards has to be explicit too (for some reason). The only solution then is to make a from_nanos_u128() which is both ugly, and leaves the 64 bit variant hanging there like a vestigial limb.

  • It's most useful when you're using some data you already have as the dictionary key. A usecase i had for this was a binary file parser with 10 types of event markers. It was originally coded with if/elif, but performance was a pretty big consideration. Using the event markers as keys to a dictionary dispatch improved performance by about 15% and made the code significantly more readable.