I was feeling very much like what you describe after I quit my PMC job - which was quietly being taken over by machine translation and chatbot shit. What I did was pivot to childcare, specifically after school stuff. No idea if there is any real infrastructure for that where you live, but for me it's been pretty rewarding. It's an active, extremely varied job and when I walk in the door it's like my personal issues disappear for a while. Kids kind of put things into perspective or something. It can be hard, disorienting and rough sometimes (kids can be little assholes, and realizing all the fucked up shit in their lives that make them do so can be depressing), but it feels meaningful in a way that no office job I've ever had has done.
Wage is shit though, and I'm massively overqualified (have an MA in a completely unrelated field). It is however pretty cool that my most important qualifications in this job are actually things I like to do in my spare time - music, games, sports etc.
A few years ago, a Hungarian friend was educating me on the incredible corruption of the Orban regime. IIRC, he showed me a photo of the Hungarian equivalent of a supreme court justice shaking Orbans hand and apologizing - apologizing for having sentenced Fidesz (Orban's party) to a totally symbolic fine for breaking some rules about campaign ads or something.
This seems a lot like that. Yet the same libs who would talk about how awful the Hungarian system is will surely keep telling me that the US is, despite its flaws, a beacon of democracy.