
"War is what happens when language fails." Margaret Atwood

  • Your Voice Matter

I take editing as a life or death situation!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • “We are all prisoners of our own making, some chooses to do something about it, others don't!”

    “seen a crank website”
    That's nitpicking for starters, really your problem is that it wasn't visually stimulating to your brain!

    "vet sources"
    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. isn't enough of a figure for you, please check his podcast, unlike other candidates, he has been giving a voice to those censored by corporate mainstreams!

    Have you even checked dane wiginton work, his analysis is thorough & dates back from 2013!

    “conspiracy by (((Them)))”
    They are called Nazis globalist elites, surged after WW2 as power struggle, hiding under corrupt entities (NGO, Bank of America, JP Morgan, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bank of NY Mellon, BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and Fidelity, …).

    To finish, here's a look at some of the companies controlled by the latter big four:
    Alcoa Inc., Altria Group Inc., American International Group Inc., AT&T Inc., Boeing Co., Caterpillar Inc., Coca-Cola Co., DuPont & Co., Exxon Mobil Corp., General Electric Co., General Motors Corporation, Hewlett-Packard Co., Home Depot Inc., Honeywell International Inc., Intel Corp., International Business Machines Corp, Johnson & Johnson, JP Morgan Chase & Co., McDonald’s Corp., Merck & Co. Inc., Microsoft Corp., 3M Co., Pfizer Inc., Procter & Gamble Co., United Technologies Corp., Verizon Communications Inc., Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Time Warner, Walt Disney, Viacom, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation.,, CBS Corporation, NBC Universal

    “to kill the planet, so the lizard people can rise”
    The planet is a mean to an end for them like everything & everyone lives but them of course, it's the coercion of dissent and the condition of dependency for more exploitation & enslavement

    “plain old capitalism”
    That's minimisation and it's coordinated on a large scale.

  • The quote is often attributed to Vladimir Lenin, who wrote in his book "Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism" (1916):

    "The chain of events in international politics is now dragging the capitalist world towards an imperialist war. The struggle for markets, the struggle for raw materials, and the struggle for spheres of influence—all these are now leading to military conflicts. The bourgeoisie of the advanced countries is driving the masses into war, while the working class is striving to resist this drive. But the working class cannot achieve victory unless it rises to the level of a conscious understanding of its own interests and its own tasks. The slogan 'Peaceful coexistence' between nations is a deception, a fraud, a lie. The only peace that the bourgeoisie can offer us is a peace of exploitation, a peace of oppression, a peace of hunger and want. The proletariat must wage a revolutionary struggle against the bourgeoisie for the overthrow of the rule of capital."

    In this passage, Lenin argues that the capitalist system leads to imperialism and conflict between nations, and that the working class must rise up and overthrow the bourgeoisie in order to establish a more just society. He does not explicitly state that revolution will start in industrialized countries and then spread to non-industrialized ones, but he suggests that the struggle for power and resources between nations will lead to global conflict and ultimately to the downfall of capitalism.

    It's worth noting that Karl Marx also wrote extensively about the potential for revolution and the role of the working class in bringing about change, but he did not make the specific argument you mentioned.

    Credit goes to the huggingchat (meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf)

  • Not everyone has the financial stability to withdraw their entire monthly salary from the bank.
    You do not provide a clear explanation of how this action will lead to positive changes.

    The use of ultimatums and hyperbole is unhelpful and short-sighted.

    We have been here before, the federal reserve will bail them out with our taxes, we can't achieve progress with regressive tactics.

    Crossed the misleading part thanks to davel, Modern monetary theory (Macro Economics) does say that our taxes are not used for government spending nor bonds either.

  • Conditioning Xenophobia, which by proxy reinforces nationalism (Used also for militarism), stereotypical with regressive/repressive countries or those going that roads.

    It rarely affects those with a developed prefrontal cortex, except for conservatives and liberals, as they primarily thrives on hierarchy.

    Chatbot Prompt by Claude 2

    • Q:

    What makes those with a developed prefrontal cortex less susceptible by psychological & Informational warfare.

    • A:

    Here are some key reasons why those with a more developed prefrontal cortex may be less susceptible to psychological and informational warfare:

    • Better cognitive control and regulation of emotions - The prefrontal cortex helps regulate emotions and impulse control. Those with more development in this area are less likely to be manipulated by appeals to fear, anger, or other emotions. They have greater emotional stability.

    • Increased analytic and critical thinking - The prefrontal cortex supports higher reasoning, problem-solving, and decision making. This allows for more objective analysis of information rather than relying on cognitive shortcuts or gut reactions. Individuals can identify logical fallacies and misleading arguments.

    • Improved cognitive flexibility - A hallmark of prefrontal development is the ability to consider multiple perspectives, conflicting information, and shades of gray. This guards against black-and-white thinking and prevents entrenchment in a single viewpoint.

    • Enhanced working memory and attention - Prefrontal regions are crucial for key executive functions like working memory and focused attention. These skills allow individuals to critically evaluate messages and detect deception rather than passively accepting information.

    • Better-defined personal values/beliefs - As the prefrontal cortex matures, especially into adulthood, individuals form clearer personal values, beliefs, and stances on issues. This coherence helps stabilize them against wildly shifting messages or propaganda.

    • Increased resistance to misinformation - Higher cognitive function helps individuals logically analyze online content, deduce credibility of sources, and avoid thoughtless sharing of false material that can spread disinformation.

    In summary, the advanced executive functioning and stability associated with prefrontal development provides resilience against simplistic propaganda meant to play on emotions, biases, and logical fallacies. Critical analysis skills, flexibility, working memory, and defined beliefs make these individuals less susceptible.