In NJ lots of right wing lunatics are screaming about the offshore wind farm plans off the coast. They are blaming an increase in whales and dolphins washing up dead on the sonar scanning for the required power infrastructure on the floor.
EVERYONE harping on this here is a reactionary shithead. Are they right? Is this actually killing whales and dolphins en mass? I’m very conflicted because it kinda makes sense but these people are not arguing this in good faith - it’s screeching about Biden for doing anything even remotely green. They do not care about the whales or dolphins but they want to appear to.
Is this shit killing cetaceans?
Yeah, ultimately in Jersey their real gripe is that these beachfront homes might be able to view the wind farm on the horizon, with binoculars, on a perfectly clear day. Clearly this is an obviously selfish and ridiculous reason to be pants-shittingly mad so they adopted the cause of the whales to vent their frothing.
I obviously hope this doesn’t harm the whales and dolphins and would accept the idea that it’s killing them if it could be proven, and also argue for action to stop or minimize this effect.
I do not want to wallow amongst the bad faith dickheads, but this state is absolutely overrun by them.