anarcho_blinkenist [none/use name]

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Joined 12 days ago
Cake day: September 7th, 2024

  • We appreciate the vulnerability Comrade. It is a brave thing, and a good topic to bring into peoples conscience, especially if there are youngins here who need to hear it (which there shouldn't be! where are your parents?! don't you know these people are COMMIES?!)

    Maybe some perspective:


    Men and those socialized as men are generally completely starved for affection and attention and acceptance in a world that, for the benefit of capital and naturally out of capitalist social relations and the general legacies of individual private property which preceded them, trains in them many malformations such as to be hyper-individualistic, beyond-self-sufficient, and "strong" (in the patriarchal sense, no vulnerability, forceful, entitled, etc). You are trained to be in constant competition with others and to see others as 'in constant competition with you'; and to internalize all of these things as 'personal failures of yourself' when you fall short to meet an impossible collection of standards while seeking basic human emotional and social needs. You are trained into developing a conscience and disposition totally at odds and totally counter to deep community, vulnerability, collaboration, and companionship.

    Men and those socialized as men are also trained that they can only 'appropriately' get affection and attention and share vulnerability with (and only kind of) from romantic partners/interests (with a whole shitload of things tied into what that means and the dynamics there, not gonna get into that right now), which makes these feelings and needs and any baggages and emotional-mental sufferings pressurized through a funnel directed at "the one possible romantic interest who looked at me or said a nice thing to me or hugged me which is the first time this has happened in 4 years."

    The thing to do is be aware of this, as you clearly are (maybe have a therapist if you can afford one, or a trusted friend who understands all of this and can keep you grounded but won't blow up your spot or shame you over it, but again those are hard to come by for men in a hyper-atomized 'individual-competitive' society who are trained to be and act these ways), take deep breaths, immerse yourself in other hobbies and such, and try to scale back your behaviors to what you clearly know in your mind to be the level of "normal and appropriate for the dynamics with this person," while still enjoying the warm fuzzies because it's one of the few pure good things left in the capitalist hellscape that has intruded and commodified every aspect of human experience and existence and made us see things in this lense (even dating apps like Tinder I find utterly dystopian). Let it torture you in the ways that make you feel you are living a poem, but don't let it upset your life, and don't let these things override your conscious respectful engagement with this person driven by cognition that just uses the warm fuzzies as a little extra fuel where appropriate. You can do this with the understanding (that you obviously have) that these are hormones, and we exist in a social and societal context that makes the experience of them and expression of them complicated.

    Socialization in this framework itself an exhausting game of guessing and gesturing. I hate it, but with this all in mind you'll be fine. And you might fuck up, but that's life, and you'll learn from it. It's the only way to. Or you can just say fuck all that noise and pain like me ("I can quit any time I want, I've done it a hundred times!")

    And understand that even if you were to fuck up and come off too strong, and this person said they didn't want to talk to you anymore, if you said "okay I understand" and respected that, you wouldn't be a "creep." You'd be someone who feels a lot very strongly and deeply and hasn't yet developed the tools and understanding and experience to guide them in directing it properly. You'd be someone who fucked up, realizes they fucked up, and is working so the next time you don't fuck up again (or fuck up in a different unique way, providing another learning opportunity).

    The thing not to do is do what you are trained to do, that is, internalize all of this (or even imagined potentialities of all of this) as shame and personal failure, and self-sabotage. You don't need to carry the baggage of the (occasionally very tactless and counter-productive) discourse around the many multitude problems that patriarchal men carry and subject women to, and the very serious grievances and frustrations they have struggled to be allowed space to voice; because you are very obviously paralyzingly aware of those problems and your disgust at the thought of perpetuating them. Don't discard your cognizance, because you need to keep yourself in check as society tries to exploit every contradiction it can to make you into a patriarch or aspiring-patriarch, but you don't need to carry it and beat yourself up as if you are all of the bad things people say about your gender and sex.

    This is also part of why I am very forceful and adamant in saying that patriarchy does not benefit men; it destroys men and has them destroy each other and destroy themselves or otherwise submit to being destroyed. Patriarchy does not benefit men --- it benefits patriarchs. The side-effects of this are certainly real gendered imbalances, which exist and need to be highlighted and struggled against, but those don't exist to benefit men, they exist to entice men into engaging in patriarchy and reinforcing it, with poison false-promises that 'they too, might one day be a patriarch;' and with sleight-of-hand misdirection mislead them that there exists an escape for working class men from the hells patriarchy creates for them in the first place 'if only they would'. Men who are not patriarchs, can't be patriarchs, or don't want to be patriarchs, suffer immensely at the hands of patriarchy in a plethora of horrifying ways, some more visible than others. How many hundreds of thousands of men have been beneficiaries of patriarchy in the trenches of Donbass?

    This is of course not a reason to get into some oppression olympics of "we have it hard too" because 1. in most cases you'll lose --- others don't even get the sugared-droplets of enticement; but mainly 2. that is exactly the competitiveness that these propertied power structures try to induce in you --- by making it a competition, patriarchy has succeeded in conditioning you back into patriarchal power struggles, which inevitably reinforce it and strengthen the social dynamics of capitalist patriarchy. (Incidentally, this is the purpose that the "red pill" garbage serves, manipulating millions of young men suffering under capitalism and its patriarchal superstructure, who've been made to internalize their suffering and bewilderment and carry the baggage of the often-shallow and essentializing discourses around the necessary struggle against the worst trends of attitude and action of patriarchist men; who find speaking-with-forked-tongue to aspects of their very real and often-unheard or actively-mocked suffering and confusion some grifter dipshit mysoginist to funnel them back into (cishet-normative) patriarchal individualist cynical competition and impersonalizing against other men, against women, and non-binary-conforming people; thereby reinforcing the patriarchal structures that undergird capitalist society)

    Instead, recognition that patriarchy hurts everyone in unique but still catastrophic and no-less-unacceptable ways, ought to drive all working people within and without the gender binary into uniting against its destruction. Which also means the destruction of capitalism and the private property relations which undergirds-as-the-base the superstructure of patriarchy (a core example of this connection between patriarchy and capitalism would be how the unpaid gendered labor or 'social labor' in the "traditional nuclear family" is used to subsidize costs of the "minimum socially necessary labor time" of the worker for commodity production which manifests in wages; therefor cutting costs and raising margins for the capitalist, with which to extract as surplus value and reinvest in capitalist competition. We are not in competition with each other, we are in competition against the systems and structures which seek to keep us in competition with each other, and against those who actually rule them.

  • the red scares (in the 1910s and 20s, and in mccarthy era, but also it never really ends) directly explicitly criminalized communism and being a communist, and forced the purges of communists and anarchists from the ranks and board of every union, every civil rights organization, every school faculty and schoolboard, every local government position, and even in media and entertainment; purging any and all militance. The DoL makes deals with liberal remnants who agreed to purge the communists, and the ones that didn't were maligned, marginalized, criminalized, punished, arrested, crushed. This predictably left in its wake in the unions complacency, class collaboration, and corruption, which is why organized crime cozied up alongside the more unsavory class collaborators starting in the 50s, which added to the reactionary politics.

    Any time any class consciousness and obstructive action raised its head, they were crushed. Reagan crushing the airline union and thatcher the miners unions was the death knell and last gasp of the any old unions' agency in working class struggle. these labor unions being what they are now is much more a legacy of all of that than anything else. Now the only good unions are the independent ones and militant dual-carding ones like the IWW. Teamsters aren't even the worst. The AFL-CIA--er I mean AFL-CIO literally flew to LatAm and Europe, most impactfully to Brazil and Poland to train their reactionary unions to undermine communism (including Poland's infamous Solidarnosc).

    You also still have to fill out forms that ask if you're a communist or are/have been a member of a communist party for many governmental forms. Even citizenship applications. you can be denied for being a communist.

  • Heritage Foundation are US Americans, who have existed as a right wing think tank for decades, and have pushed these exact policy trends for decades in US governance, including as a sizeable chunk of Reagan's policy advisors. There is zero reason to think "ITS DEM ROOSKIES"

    Anyone who has been training you to look for Russians under your bed and in your phone and behind any and all western-hegemony-narrative-contradicting media is brainwashing you and gaslighting you into thinking it's all "foreign agitators" instead of your own ruling class being what they've always been. The Democrats started this "RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE" nonsense trying to both bolster their 'new cold war' and also pretend that Hillary Clinton wasn't such an unlikeable ghoul of the establishment that even someone as repugnant and stupid and corrupt as Trump was preferred by enough population to flip critical swing states. POOTIN did not make the US racist and divided. They had a whole-ass civil war over slavery and then sabotaged reconstruction and never stopped oppressing their colonized minorities.

    The US is the largest most violent empire in the history of the world, with more people in prison than anyone anywhere now or ever, has the most expansive and intrusive and all-encompassing surveillance and propaganda networks in the world, and most of the worst conflicts in the last decades were directly or indirectly caused by the USA, oftentimes deliberately or otherwise knowingly.

    Russia has an economy as big as Italy. And most of the power it does have comes from its military spending (which is still not remotely close even a little to the 800+external-base-having, largest-oil-consuming and greenhouse-gas-emitting-ass military of the US and its NATO vanguard), being a major exporter of important metals and fossil fuels, and having remnants of interconnectedness of economic and cultural/linguistic legacy with some former-USSR states. Russia is also terrible at propaganda, especially foreign propaganda, as anyone who engages with Russian media could tell you. They are not making your country what it is and has always been.

    Look inward at your own ruling class, not outward at [ENEMY STATE OF THE CURRENT ERA], to find the causes of your societies' problems.

  • It's less that they think it's funny (or even think about it), and much more that the universal oversaturation of markets and their avenues for surplus-as-capital to be made active and productive (a necessary law of capitalism in order to not collapse, a component of capitalism's need for constant growth), which is further tightened by workers' purchasing power being in freefall due to suppressed wages in order to maintain profits, has made it so any slight opening of a new market is utterly torn asunder by the explosive rail-gun jet-stream torrent of backed-up capital starved for movement, bubble or not --- but due to said saturation and capital back-up, usually bubble or inevitably made into a bubble just by the volume of hyper-invested capital that has nowhere else to go grossly over-exceeding the capacity of said market and the profits that can be wrung out of it. Which then causes an extreme oversaturation of supply compared to demand, which causes prices, and so profits, to fall into a cascading collapse. This will lead to many things, including further suppression of wages (to try to salvage lost profit) and contraction of markets, which as previously mentioned, are necessary and require constant expansion for surplus-value-as-capital to continue being made active and productive to stave off economic crisis and collapse. Rinse and repeat in the natural and inherent cycle of capitalist contradiction and its inevitable crises. This problem of total market oversaturation and capital having nowhere to go is also in large part where the root of the neo-colonial system of cyclical loans, debt, austerity, then more loans, comes from.

    And worth mentioning it's not so much that they would "rather" engage in this than not pay the workers --- but that capital needs to go anywhere it can be made active; and those who don't thin their costs as much as possible to maintain the best profit margins possible in doing so to reinvest that surplus as capital, can not compete with those who do, and will be ruined and subsumed by their competitors (those that even remain anyway). It's not a choice by the capitalist who has any other while still remaining a capitalist, because making any other choice means not being a capitalist anymore and being cannibalized by the capitalists who "won". They will never make a choice that ends in their ruin, and would have no material reason to, hence why they need to be not given a choice by an organized working class.

    If only someone could have foreseen these contradictions and problems. Perhaps by forming a concrete analysis of capitalist laws and relations and the roles played within it by its constituent classes, then providing the world with a methodology of unmatched predictive power to expose it and awaken others in the working class to the inherently inevitable need for its forcible overthrow to overcome these fundamental contradictions. curious-marx marx

  • The presence of a "getting your message put on bombs to blow apart the 'enemy savages'" industry, helping over open-internet social media to crowd-fund a live-streamed proxy war is something that would have been eyeroll-worthy as too ham-fisted and over-the-top of a metaphor for the inhuman ethos of neo-liberal capitalism if put in a dystopia novel 15 years ago.

    Truly soulless and totally morally bankrupt, cannibalistic societies the western bourgeoisie have ushered in and preside over. Anyone and everyone who has engaged in something like this is beyond consideration and sympathy. It takes unfathomable depravity to participate in something like this. That large swathes of the western population don't see this and immediately think "uh, what the fuck" at its very existence is a worse condemnation than anything their harshest critics could derive.

  • anarcho_blinkenist [none/use name]tosinoC-Drama coding
    3 days ago

    I imagine even without that, the imported western social and industry standards make the competition psychotically cutthroat; and anyone not supermodel-attractive, light-skinned enough, and coming out of a corporate lifestyle-control-industry pipeline to ensure maintenance of "visible perfection" is made to leave audition in tears and blacklisted from the industry. Also when they turn 35 most of them are cut loose.

    This is a totally uneducated assumption however, based on some of the detached tidbits I've heard over the years about the k-pop industry. None of it is really my bag.