Love, drugs and F1

  • 23 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Housing price rises are bad for home-owners

    Is your title, this is not true.

    Some homeowners improve housing and then move, on a rising market this is beneficial to the homeowner

    On a falling market prices get closer together so less leverage is required for extra space

    Buying and holding is beneficial as long term houses will rise and the price paid will be reduced by inflation.

    Home ownership can be beneficial in most market scenarios, and the longer the ownership the more beneficial.

  • No, why would they?

    The FSA still does the same thing they've always done, and the EU hasn't lowered any standards, so why would you start checking things at your border that you don't need to check?

    The EU uses its non tariff barriers as a protectionist weapon. Protectionism just makes you less competitive. See the last decade for the lacklustre European growth vs USA or Asia.

    Protectionism plus austerity is a double disaster waiting to happen.