• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Why though?

    The filesystem is organized to store data by its type, not by the physical storage. In DOS/Windows you stick to separate "disks", but not in Unix-like OSes. This approach is inconvenient in case of removable media, that's why /media exists. And /mnt is not suited for any particular purpose, just for the case when you need to manually mount some filesystem to perform occasional actions, that normally never happens.

    Just media files, downloads, images , music kinda stuff.

    That's what usually goes to /home/<username>. Maybe mount that device directly to /home? Or, if you want to extend your existent /home partition, use LVM or btrfs to join partitions from various drives. Or mount the partition to some subdirectory of /home/<username>, or even split it and mount its parts to /home/<username>/Downloads, /home/<username>/Movies etc. So you keep the logic of filesystem layout and don't need to remember where you saved some file (in /home/<username>/Downloads or in /whatever-mountpoint-you-use/downloads).

  • What kind of changes? Package installation, removal and configuration? Use apt-mark showmanual to save list of manually installed packages, dpkg --get-selections | grep 'deinstall$' to save list of removed packages, debconf --get-selections to save debconf package settings, backup files that you edited in /etc. This should be enough for restoration, wouldn't take a long time for backup and avoid risk of filesystem inconsistency.

  • I recommend to throw away this drive because blocks that are readable and writeable now, may fail soon. But if you want to use it anyway, it is possible to collect a list of unaccessible blocks usong badblocks and pass it to mkfs to create a filesystem that ignores that blocks. IIRC this is described in man badblocks.