"carving reality at the joints" - does this mean anything?
Only finer-grained concepts like "linoleic acid" are useful for carving reality at the joints.
This makes total sense to me. The program lines are the really important stuff, and baseball stats and vestigial organs are like REM in BASIC.
10 Don't forget to breathe
20 My name is Pico Paco, e/Lambda
30 Never more than 2 martinis unless I'm at home
REM What my appendix does is ...
40 Heartbeat = ml/beat x VO2 exerted or whatever
REM Rod Carew batted .388 in 1977
50 Use right hand first if possible
"You are luthiers" /headdesk
Word Count needs to be added to the crackpot index.
I am saving this to read later, but having eugenics and IQ in the very first sentence makes it look especially promising.