comrade_rain [she/her]

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Joined 9 days ago
Cake day: September 10th, 2024


  • Ish

    One of my good male friends from highschool had a crush on me. He came out as bi about a year ago.

    I came out as trans about a year later.

    Now our relationship is one of deep mutual love. We live in different states and both are in relationships with women (him with a trans woman, me with a cis woman). So the love is platonic rather than romantic.

    So he crushed on me and that helped me realize I'm happier as a woman. And he realized he was bi.

  • subcutaneous injections, nsfw

    I'm doing subcutaneous injections without an antiandrogen.

    Within a week my ejaculation was clear.

    Seven weeks in my testicles are back to pre-puberty size. This may have happened sooner but I noticed just last week.

    Libido is much less frustrating. Aggression in check. Boobs growing.

    I haven't had my levels checked but so far the results are way better than I expected.

    Other people's timelines will of course be differet. But if you can handle injections it might be another option rather than bumping or switching antiandrogens.

    A lady I know was having issues and so she had her testicles removed. That helped her a lot too.

  • subcutaneous estrogen personal timeline

    Subcutaneous without an androgen blocker has been good to me.

    I am on week 7 I believe. Already showing some boobage. Testicles are way smaller. Sex drive is way different. Much less reactive and defensive (i.e. more likely to cry than get mad). Skin softer. Face more feminine (a laser session helped).

    I am having some sensitivity around injection sites. Going to try my thighs instead of my stomach next time. Inject more slow and gentle, see if that helps.

    Overall really happy and surprised by the progress. Feeling so glad I started on it.