cryptodipshit [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 11th, 2022


  • thanks for hearing me, that does mean a lot. i'm going to delete all of my posts and logoff this account and take a break for some days. if there's a way to delete the account or ban or whatever you can feel free to. i'm just tired of defending my shitty life to chuds and now also to people who i thought were my community. if i had more energy i might leave it all up and try to fight and prove my point but i'm fucking tired. we've all been through a lot the past few years and if trying to make a little money for your family loses me my leftist card then oh well, i fucking tried. i'm angry about this but i just want to be done so this will be it. i guess as far my interaction with you goes, it's been positive and thanks for hearing me out. peace.

  • whatever i guess i'll just post what i wrote to you here because i need to get away from this site and log off for a few days for my own mental health and i don't wanna come back tomorrow to pm this to you. worst case i've said my peace and you can delete it and my account if you want. not really sure what else to say, i just want to have my peace heard:

    hi, messaging you since you're a mod of the comm i posted to. i was wondering where the line is when someone shares something personal. i only shared that i invested in crypto as an example that people among our ranks are investing to try to improve their lives. i shouldn't need to explain my entire story to avoid people sending me hateful messages but apparently i do. my partner bought crypto before i knew her and her loss is a little worse than mine. i was prepared to lose my money but i don't think she really understood. this is my whole point of my thread. people aren't terminally online like this community is and i really am uncomfortable with people taking pleasure in other people's suffering. i think it's fine to cheer on the collapse of crypto as an individual thing, but many users are now targeting me as it's a good thing that i personally lost money like i am some scumbag who is killing the earth. it seems there is no ethical consumption under capitalism unless it's crypto and then it's free reign to shit all over them. i would be willing to bet a huge portion of this community has some retirement fund with defense stocks in it and i'm not trying to shit on them for that. i was simply trying to say that i think the leftist position is NOT to shit on victims of a pyramid scheme. it should be to educate people so it doesn't happen again and to be precise with where the blame lies, which is obviously the people who are not currently getting fucked over, like me. but somehow now, i'm the bad guy here and i'm actually honestly very hurt by some of the responses. obviously this is a throwaway and thank god i did that, but i do post on this site every single day and i have been part of the sub since 2016. maybe i am not the one true leftist, but i do try. i am an organizer and know a little theory. i feel like suddenly here i am having to prove im not a piece of shit and this whole thing feels so bad. i was really hurt by a lot of people's responses to my thread and i think it's incumbent upon this community to be accountable for how we address this. i personally am ok with some degree of crab dancing at the whole pyramid collapsing but i think it's wildly bad form to tell people things like "gg" "be smarter next time" and things like that which are some real responses i got from real users of this site. i'm really dumbfounded by the response and i'm gonna take a break from the site for a few days but i'm wondering if you can illuminate for me where the line is between this being a victory for leftist discourse and shitting on everyone who got hurt by it, because right now i feel like a leftist (or i thought i was) who is suddenly in the crossfire. i posted in good faith, i almost wish i had just posted it without the bit about myself in it. i was just trying to personalize it. anyway thanks for reading. if i'm totally wrong about all this you can feel free to ban me, i'm really lacking perspective right now i guess.

    anyway that's what i wanted to send. just wish it was considered a little more than the people you're cheering on who lost money are by and large your friends and relatives. elon musk is fine. this can be the last message of my humiliating public meltdown. thanks.