Went off on a rant that isn't really fully relevant, but leaving it because I already typed it.
My generic Adderall was labeled as "amphetamine salts" when I was taking it a number of years ago. But I was on generic Adderall for like 5~6 years and can't recall if I ever saw "amphetamine-dextroamphetamine" on any of my bottles. I don't recall ever having it feel any different. But I changed over to Vyvanse because even the generic XR would just not last long enough. Which was also kind of a good switch in recent years as I have seen random folks talk about how their Adderall (name and generic) seemed "weaker" than before. And with shortages ramping up causing issues for people. Though there is a massive shortage of the new generic for Vyvanse ever since my doctor and insurance tried having it filled for me back in December of 2023.
I kept getting an automated message about my refill (or really first fill) being on back order and I wasn't even aware they had a generic yet. So I went to the pharmacy to find out and was told they had literally no idea when it would be available and I was already a week out of meds. Had to be like "well just fill the brand name if no pharmacies had stock please" and just have been paying more. Though it seems my insurance also must have seen how bad shit was. Because my cost the first time was over $250 (was paying only $60~$80 before due to both insurance and a coupon thing Vyvanse had for each year). But after two months, my cost went back down to around $90~$120 from insurance covering more again (just no longer have the coupon thing since Vyvanse stopped providing it).
PotD can be effective, but only if enough conditions get bad enough for the majority of people are hurting bad enough. The pressure has to be built-up to the point that the normally "I'm not a political person" types have personally been fucked over badly enough. Otherwise they are able to be kept in line by corpo propaganda about how "evil" the person(s) are for being violent. Law and order and all that.
Waiting for the fuck-head right-wing war hawks to claim that it was somehow the "CeeCeePee" that fucked up our soil (unironically). And not the massively profit driven shortsighted corps that push farmers to only grow lots of the same crops without proper rotations. We learned nothing from the Dust Bowl in the US or any number of similar fuck-ups that have happened across the globe over the last hundred years alone.
It would have been better if they had just not said anything. Or if they had to still say anything, they could have focused on how this could be a point of building solidarity. Even right-wing working class people are in agreement on how fucked for-profit healthcare is for all of us. But no, they chose to take the same general path as the capitalist propaganda outlets. They hate using real material moments to do revolutionary shit. Deny, Defend, Depose!
Is there a link to the image? I must see it!
If by chance that second vid had anything majorly impactful. I would hope that he had other accounts on as many other outlets set to get it out. YT is the largest outlet, but also proven time and time again to be easily banned/suspended for waaaay less. Though part of me kind of thinks that shit would be a Rick Roll given the trolling done with the backpack of Monopoly money. lol
Kind of seems like a watered down version of the stupid rational after the Civil War that just let the former CSA states just act like nothing happened.
I'm sure that such weak tactics will surely lead to harmony, and the nation has nothing constructive to learn from bad shit we have done anyway. /s
I'm just glad the person's face can't be seen. Though I imagine there is a high chance that there are lots of CCTV cams that might have. Hope the person is able to ghost, and that overwhelming fear takes hold for other C Suite folks at UHC and really all companies.
I have also been thinking it has something to do with a new Switch. Maybe to try and scare people off from trying to get similar things going on the new console. Though we all know that lots of hackers will be trying to get hands on launch consoles since they tend to be the easiest to get working. I mean, at least it will make lots of money from development of the new console get made back faster for Nintendo.
Do you have the recipe? My dad can't have gluten (not Celiac but has similar issues) and stuff like "junk food" or deserts make it easier to make not being able to have other things suck less.
"We can't save the entire world"
While then going hard about how we "must" keep our troops everywhere in the world at all times.
And China is rapidly reducing shit even with their larger population. While the US is still tip-toeing around even talking about proposing doing anything at some point down the line (of course such time is only "correct" after 99% of both parties get permission by their corporate masters).
As an armed leftist with ADHD, depression, anxiety, and life-long issues with sleep. I will not be taken without taking out as many of them as possible.
Anyone have a meme with the "Come and take it!" but with ADHD pills instead of the cannon and the wording "Come and take them!"?
I am curious how many of them had been on the side of "BUt wHY WOUld U EVaR NeEd 30 rnD MAgZ?!??" and had been pushing real hard to make shit hard to get (without having money to pay the poor ppl not allowed tax). And would be right back to pushing said bans/fees on working people if the Dems win. Some of my lib friends get so confused about why I would want to be a communist since I have had guns most of my life.
Which is at least are good moments to point out that Marx himself said that attempts to disarm the working and poor classes should be met with force. And that all current and former AES nations and revolutionaries know that being armed is important. They just don't have the deeply embedded gun culture that the US has (and of course that most bourgeois nations have heavy control over regular people owning guns).
I am also kind of more scared of new lib panic buying gun owners. As a lot of them would be less likely to have actual gun safety if allowing their fear take over. Just flag the shit out of people around them and more likely to keep their finger on the trigger instead of outside of the ring.
I wonder if the ROK has been getting high off their own (and of course the US) propaganda about how backwards DPRK and its people are. They just believe that folks in DPRK are too stupid to even know how to pull data. Which in a way kind of gives DPRK a small edge in being able to use such stereotyping to catch their enemies slipping. Like the quote about if you are weak appear strong and if you are strong to appear weak. The US showed many times how such a headspace of just assuming that fighters in so many "third-world" nations/areas are dumb and can't possibly be tactical. Shit always backfires.
That looks like if Lara Croft was in Hellsing or Black Lagoon. Pretty dope style.
Not shocking to hear that no matter how messed up it is of course. I am guessing they can ask whatever they want since they can claim "national security" and immigrants/tourists don't have the same rights.