Interface tailoring, desktop tapestry, jamming all up in my pazaaz.
Interface tailoring, desktop tapestry, jamming all up in my pazaaz.
I have been through many setups, almost started using Markour... But then something about bullet journaling and the pen/paper relationship just had a magical touch to it.... Then almost bought supernote.... Then actually bought Boox Go 10.3... And I do my journaling BuJo style, my manga and book reading, and some writing with Bluetooth Logitech keys to go on it.
You could sync to cloud but I kinda use it as a paper notebook and reader/writer so I keep my backups local. Might do PDF backups to one of the clouds, they give you some options. But then again, a lot of my handwritten things get OCR/written into a document anyway... And after a year is done I rarely go back to the same diary anyway. And the important ones I save as PDF anyway..
This kinda setup is working for me so far.
You might be different.... As we all are.
If we insert one more dimension in the cube, of use case? What will be top 3 slices from shell? Industry, sea/air travel, road usage what?