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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 23rd, 2023


  • Except...it's being DDOS'd, so no, it isn't.

    If anything this is basically establishing to everyone out there that if you want to kill an instance or encourage people to move to a different one (with different admins who might have different..."styles"), just DDOS it and promote your alternative instance as a refuge.

    I'm sticking with .world because the admins there are chill. Don't feel like rolling the dice on a new instance where some power mods probably set up shop.

  • The android community, especially on /r/android is/was intensely hostile towards Motorola for no good reason. It's basically just a Pixel/Samsung circlejerk, anything less than a flagship from those line is spit on.

    Motorola's lines have been very solid midrange phones, shipping with near-stock android, unlockable bootloaders, and just all around respectable specs for their price. They were also shipping aux ports/SD card slots for way, way longer than the others until very recently.

    And before someone says "update speed", not everyone cares. Most just want something stable.