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Cake day: 2023年6月16日

  • If they were buying it to build renewables, why were they okay to pay such a premium for it though? And why wouldn't they just set up a separate generation business that just built renewables? It's not like origin has a heap of experience in that space that they're leveraging.

    When it can be connected to the grid there's lots of people happy to spend the money on renewables already, the big bottleneck is grid capacity and project approvals. We don't need this buyout to still get renewables investment.

    Also the accc is too fucking toothless on competition. You just need to look at how much we pay for our own gas because of the gas cartel for an example.

  • This falling through is a very good thing for avoiding the monopolisation of our energy landscape. Brookfields already owns the hv transmission in Victoria, as well as an electricity distributor there and a gas network.

    Therefore, if they bought origin all of origins competitors would still have to use the assets brookfields owns. That doesn't set up a good and fair marketplace and long term would have really fucked the Australian consumer.

    Brookfields was saying they'd do this spending in order to distract from the problems of this acquisition