• 36 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • It does sound like he has been dragging his feet on paperwork for a couple of years, despite several reminders. When his only response after years of reminders was "I need you to help me do it" and he had only completed the paperwork for 2 patients out of about 150, someone lost patience. Perhaps he's too busy, but he seems to have had years to work out a way to get the paperwork done.

    On March 29, 2023, Dr. Jennifer Russell, the province's chief medical officer of health, reminded Marrero of the requirements, as communicated to all provincial physicians in a memo from acting deputy chief Dr. Yves Léger on Oct. 26, 2021, and to Marrero personally in a letter from then-health minister Dorothy Shephard on April 8, 2022.

    "Staff have indicated that you have followed the provincial requirements of reporting such cases in only two instances since late 2021," she wrote.

    "It is with consternation that I read your letters dated January 30 and March 23, 2023," in which Marrero indicated he had been following the cases of 147 patients, aged 17 to 80, some with "very advance evidence of neurodegenerative diseases," including dementia, severe pain syndrome, brain and muscle atrophy, and some near death.

  • At least there's Windows Search to bring your system to its knees by indexing everything constantly in the background, only to be both terribly slow and unable to find anything at all when you actually need it.

    I depend on Voidtools' Everything search, which actually finds stuff.

  • Once the campaigns were underway, yes. But the opportunity came from a huge blunder by David Cameron. He called the referendum expecting an easy win for the remain side that would silence the anti-EU faction in his party and shore up his position as PM. Instead, the anti-EU faction won, prompting his own resignation and causing damage to the UK's economy, a loss of global influence, the loss of British people's right to live and work in the EU, and reopening difficult issues in Northern Ireland that had been laid to rest for years. It also arguably sped up the Conservative Party's lurch to the right and its embrace of UKIP-like policies, disempowering Conservative moderates and leading to the spiral of ever less competent governments we have seen since then. In particular, Boris Johnson's rise was a direct result of post-referendum power games among Conservative politicians.