Was George Floyd a good person?
Was George Floyd a good person?
Tell me if George Floyd was a good father yes or no, simple, just fucking say that and prove your able to engage in a conversation.
The decline of White society makes me angry, the people cheering it on like you and this site make me furious.
Would you fuck a troon?
Prove it, what the fuck you going to do?
Come out you fucking jannies I know which one of you is Jewish (whyesseff) PS you're a disgusting yaniv looking monster
Yall made me one with the transgender bullshit, the worship of n.iggers, the self flagilation of white people, have you ever listened to npr for more than hour, it will make you a nazi. And the fact that you view violence as the only way to engage my views just proves that what you believe is wrong and what do you believe? Trans kids, getting fucked by big black cock, soylent and urban apartments, your beliefs suck. Their inhuman.
Answer this question, why are half of all people in prison and jail black. Just answer it, its not very hard.
White power 1488
Why does transgenderism have such an overlap with communism? Why are transwomen so fucking ugly?
Look at all you fucking losers just circlejerking each other with your upvotes because I say some mean things. Pathetic.
Why are you okay with lopping off the tits of a little girl and calling her a boy?
Why do rabbis suck the penises of babies they circumcise?
Im not telling any jokes here, you need to make jokes because you can't be serious. Why should white and black people live together?
Why are gays vastly over represented among pedophiles?
Prove the races are equal
Trans women are not mentally ill and should be given power because they are capable and again not mentally ill.
You are afraid of my ideas, so tell me why do black people commit half of all crimes when they are a tenth of the population if it isn't genetic or something inherent in them?
You feign ignorance because you are a dishonest communist jew. Was George Floyd a good man?
I doubt you have any emojis of n.iggers because you can't have anything that might offend (you)