jonboy [they/them]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 6th, 2020

  • jonboy [they/them]toanarchismOn Unity
    4 years ago

    Nice post, btw.

    There are a lot of MLs and Anarchists who don't read theory at all. Maybe you have actually hard shit going on in your life and you are busting your ass to keep a roof over your family's head. Maybe you're actually spending your time IRL engaging in mutual aid and building socialism in your community. This is awesome and you will probably learn more from doing it than you will arguing online with other lefties because,

    There are a lot of MLs and Anarchists who say they read theory but really they skimmed the Manifesto/Bread Book and now conceive that they understand Marxism/Anarchism as a monolithic, fixed concept, but they are really just trying to find community in an online sectarian hive-mind,

    There are a lot of MLs and Anarchists who read a lot of theory but don't understand that theory in context and accept their particular niche as some sort of dogmatic religious truth.

    I'm a weirdo post-left anarchist and I agree with pretty much everything you said. Why wouldn't I want to surround myself with and help other people who are making my community a nicer place for me to live? Who cares if they read different books from me, as long as they don't force me to swear allegiance to their particular flavor of leftism at gunpoint. I'm a nihilist, not a complete dick.