• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • GAH! I did it! I wrote the 3 Difficult Emails that I'd been procrastinating on for over two weeks. I hate asking people for potential opportunities out of the blue. I still feel like I have little to offer on balance (often feels like social likeability is valued disproportionately higher than skills even for moderately technical roles). So it's hard to reach out and deal with potential rejection especially when deep down inside it kind of feels like none of this matters anyway.

    Maybe 4-5pm wasn't the best timing, but I felt like I could send em off, shut my laptop and ignore it all until tomorrow morning.

    Currently making this extremely easy and banging Chinese recipe: Cumin potatoes inspired by Cumin Lamb from Xi'an Chinese Muslim street food. Only made it once before and I did have baby potatoes at the time, keen to see how this works out with big potatoes I had to cut into thick coins and then quarters.

  • I've spent most of the day feeling lethargic and tired and blah on the couch slowly getting through a book (The Ocean at the End of the Lane). Did not do chilli paste although I got as far as taking the ice cube tray out of the fridge. Too lazy to look at anything in the kitchen after making an omelette with gem squash in it.

    Having a go at watching Station Eleven. I feel like any stories about future pandemics will be written very differently (I am aware this was written for tv and filmed in 2020-2021 even if the book was written a decade ago...) If the characters don't make some reference to the panini, the authors' writing would have to be informed by it. They'd know how information and panic really spreads.

  • I haven't even been able to be prescribed Vyvanse because I only started taking ADHD meds from about last September - when the shortage was alrrady in full swing. My psychiatrist says it'll be at least March/April at the earliest for the shortage to ease...

    I'm currently on dexamphetamine sulfate (IR) 2x 5mg + 1x 5mg - would love to try Vyvanse for a more gradual release. Good luck finding any place with stock, it sounds really hard to get any dosage anywhere atm

  • Back after a long but productive day out. Through sheer serendipity I managed to get out to North Melbourne and get my hands on some Small Batch decaf beans, can't wait to try them!

    This appears to be the first year where we've got some young neighbours round the back fully into the hottest 100. Good on them. The quality of their vocal renditions (with aluminium tray as percussive accompaniment) is heading very much in a downward direction inversely proportionate to their BAC. I hope they're having fun.

    ^(as long as they please don't continue past 10pm.)^

  • Got super held up today but managed to help out a bit more at my aunt's. Yeah she's definitely on the hoarder spectrum for sure. We didn't do the spices but the upstairs room that has all sorts of junk from over the decades. It's time for her kids to come and sort some of their dumped stuff too because she doesn't have the heart to throw any of her kids things away.

    I've also inhaled more dust in 5 hours than I probably have for 5 months, amazed I didn't explode in a fit of sneezing.

    e: definitely makes me feel better that I've been somewhat parsimonious with accumulating stuff at home, even if that tendency often means I just don't start new projects or hobbies.

    e2: going to watch Lee Chang-dong's Burning tonight after a shower to get all this dust and sweat off me. Time also for ye olde melatonin because I'm a bit over going to bed at 1-2am every night. Must not get too deep in NEET hole