If somebody would ask for a source it would already be a big improvement. Usually you are just classified as idiot if you dare to have a different view.
If somebody would ask for a source it would already be a big improvement. Usually you are just classified as idiot if you dare to have a different view.
Yeah, I got a couple of review requests of papers in fields I had absolutely no clue about. After declining the fivth I felt the need to press accept and spent the next weeks trying to get into that topic and write at least something useful. That moment I learned were all those BS reviews come from, which I usually get for my papers XD
I don't know anybody using just seconds. I use natural units and my simulation buddies use their funny cgs units.
Thanks for the post and the last one. I finally understood, what prowlarr is doing! What I don't get: which program is moving the files from the town folder to the respective media folder? Is it Sonarr/radarr? Because they don't seem to have the right access for that. Another question, which I always wanted to ask: let's say I have two computers, one at home which should host jellyfin and the other computer is remote in a network in which I don't bother about VPN for torrent. How would you set this up? And which services belong to which PC? So, does Sonarr etc needs to be on the first or second one?
How do you define rain on a gas giant?
Nix is on my infinitely long list of stuff to get into, when I'm in better shape.
RAM is not PCIe, so that is an independent question, whether to go for DDR5. Unfortunately I am not deep enough into the matter to give you a real answer to your question
the one I listed checked all boxes, good thing to look for, for my last one I still needed to have an obsolete windows partition...
I really would love to have such a setup, but only if I have a "stable" daily driver as fallback.
thanks for the hint, I read not to good stuff about HDMI as well as of late. If that fails, I'll just use the DP connectors :)
I actually read both sides, depending on the use case and the novelty of the hardware. AFAIK, AMD has superior long term support, because their drivers are open source, but NVIDIA might surpass for cutting-edge hardware, but those are just opinions I caught. Anyway, here I'll settle with AMD for now.
thanks for the input and the link. Yes the MB I am worried about the most. The last I had shipped with a buggy BIOS, and the published updates were even worse... but it is really hard to know in advance, otherwise the listed one has all IO, that I need.
Good point, thanks. I had the same with a tiny homelab, which I assembled recently. What do you mean with barbone Vrm design? I'm not familiar with this
It's not like they "play" competitive real time over there. It's more turn based single player
I read on the poster "make America wrong again"... Sounds appropriate
The second is not really scaled, and the second and forth have translation. Usually that wouldn't be a problem for demonstrative proposed, if translation wouldn't be shown explicitly. Can be fixed by introducing a canvas of the before/after picture
Just looked it up for Germany: over residential areas you need either "an explicit permission of the owner", or "it is very light (<250g) and has no ability to record video, audio or radio" or "it is more then 100m above ground, not in the night and some other fingerprint" [1].
In all EU you actually need a registration on your some clearly visible [2].
So, of they are below 100m or in the night, just call the authorities. If you live a bit outside it might just not clear from above that it's private property.
[1] https://dipul.de/homepage/en/information/geographical-zones/legal-basis/#accordion-1-6 [2] https://www.easa.europa.eu/en/light/topics/travelling-drones
Two years? Rookie numbers
My math teacher in high school always said "math is 90% looking" and if you didn't get the task directly: "look again" ... Funny part is, that actually worked for most of the class xD
I'm rather certain that a good chunk has no clue about any algorithms and just beliefs that their point of view reflects reality