• 31 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • It's a remarkable testament to these institutions which are charged with prosecuting and stopping genocide, are given the task of stopping the most transparently obvious case of genocide they've ever witnessed since their creation. Months have gone by, tens of thousands are dead and dying. Time is critical. This is supposedly what the ICC / ICJ where created for... and they have proven themselves to have only as much real authority and enforcement as a change.org petition.

  • Not really the same thing, my guy. The US puppet regime in the south keeps sending propaganda carried by balloons north into the DPRK telling them to give up on having a sovereign country. Some of the DPRK citizens have gotten sick of that bullshit and have been returning the favor.

    Whereas Isn'treal is actively dropping white phosphorus bombs on civilians in south Lebanon and telling them (in multiple ways, including these balloons) to leave their homes so zionists can steal and colonize their land.

  • I don't know much about Cypriot politics, so I appreciate your insight. I'd venture to guess that Cyprus is being used as an EU tripwire to give cover for US-Isreal operations in a regional war. I feel like this could blow up any day now and all the empire's client states will have their necks out, one way or the other. What would you say the general civilian attitude is there for being partner to these war criminals? Are people there willing to become entangled in a hot war with Iranian resistance networks?