got a remindmebot notification from r/chapo that i set in april. removeddit didn’t work so looks like i’ll never know what that was about
got a remindmebot notification from r/chapo that i set in april. removeddit didn’t work so looks like i’ll never know what that was about
this was a line from the video that’s why she liked it guys
i could never take birth control pills because they make ya titties bigger and i would rather die
i heard it was just straight up blood which means 2 vice presidents bled from their eyes on national tv this year
u sure it wasn’t just the sickest football throw/kick (depending on which kind u mean) ever
ay i remember seeing the tiktok where they first came up with this
i’m not against using tiktok, i just wanted to add that there’s tons of open, unapologetic extreme alt-right for anyone who doesn’t have an account or doesn’t know. posting leftist ideas in short easy to watch videos for ✨the youth✨ is still a good idea.
BRUH i was just gonna start cosplaying
edit are there any good ways to still use it without paying for a vpn?
lot of fash too tho
that last one was basically what i had last year
acab except whatever the fuck lang and his pack were doing
the right is getting funnier and the left is... wait huh? nvm
picked a stupid time to have respiratory problems imo
what, you don’t want to learn how conservative women are oppressed?
damn how do you get representative status😳
can someone fill me in on what even happened
imo there’s too much effortposting in the horny/shit/effort cycle
um anyway any gay males wanna cherish my man boobs