mxnoodles [she/her]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 21st, 2020


  • mxnoodles [she/her]togamesDimitri is monarcho-fash trash
    3 years ago

    Unless you’re a fanfiction writer. Then you can just draft the manifesto yourself and insert the entire text into the middle of your 600k+ word Edelgard/Dorothea slow burn magnum opus like a gay Leninist Ayn Rand

  • mxnoodles [she/her]togamesDimitri is monarcho-fash trash
    3 years ago

    She distributes her manifesto but you don’t actually get to read it lol. Her contempt for the dominant institution is pretty explicit and she’s said to steps down immediately after her role in her project is fulfilled, but it’s pretty vague on the specifics of her vision for society. (But you can kinda fill in the blanks.)

  • mxnoodles [she/her]topolitics*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Of all the out-there proclivities you’ll see on the internet, objections to an untrimmed bush feels kind of quaint. (Speaking as someone who personally DGAF with a partner who also DGAF about that, lol.)

  • mxnoodles [she/her]tophilosophy*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Sorry for jumping in on another (good) conversation, but I saw that you’ve made a few posts on the topic, and was interested in this theme of following an idea or framework of ideas to their “logical conclusion” of some anticipated, undesirable extreme. I can seriously relate to the need to beat myself up out of some sort of perceived failure to live my life “properly”, in part reinforced by the dichotomy of “being a productive member of society” and “being useless” that’s imposed on pretty much all of us from birth.

    For myself, a meditation practice has been helpful for catching myself when I fall into these thought patterns. When I notice myself feeling frustrated with myself for a lack of progress, or distress over some perception that I could be making much better use of my time than smoking weed and playing a video game, it’s been a lot easier for me to defuse that feeling before going into a mental tailspin. These concepts of “what I should be” are illusory and inherently unattainable (like the idea of being perfectly mindful all the time, when mindfulness itself is something that comes and goes, as with everything else.) And even if that anxiety might still arise, it’s been easier not to identify myself with it to the point of self-perpetuating distress.

    Apologies if that didn’t make sense/doesn’t resonate lmao, as a full disclosure I am going through some med withdrawal so “brain machine broke”, but let me know if I can clarify anything. As full disclosure I’m one of those “perennialists” (i.e. see a lot of these spiritual practices sharing a broader metaphysical origin and goal) and think people should follow whatever path most resonates for them on every level down to aesthetic - but I’m wondering if your issue lies not with Buddhism itself, but potentially some other thought-pattern that this specific idea of Buddhism’s “conclusion” tends to evoke.

  • mxnoodles [she/her]tophilosophy*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    There are probably a few ways you can reduce your reaction to pain, but I think changing or reframing your reaction is more the goal (again, at least in this context) than eliminating a reaction entirely. Buddhism is one framework out of many where people work skillfully with the desire that surrounds pleasure and pain - every breath I take is fulfilling an inevitable need, but I don’t need to be controlled by a resistance born of the idea that I won’t always be breathing, or an attachment to the idea of breathing for the rest of all eternity.

    There are definitely people, particularly some western buddhists, who are similarly controlled by a desire to become completely free of the emotions and needs that encompass the human experience - within their own framework, this desire feeds their suffering.

  • mxnoodles [she/her]tophilosophy*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    It might be helpful to make a distinction between “pain” and “suffering” in this context. Pain is inevitable; suffering is in part determined by how we react to the pain.

  • mxnoodles [she/her]tofoodI love horchata
    3 years ago

    This coffee stand nearby makes an amazing Matchata, and also a beautiful rose-flavored horchata. Horchata on its own is amazing, but I love how you can really go hogwild with the flavors if you want.

  • Heya, sorry for responding days after the fact cuz I appreciate you taking the time to write that out and your perspective! I have been in similar positions before and it’s not an easy one to negotiate when people are getting swept up in the moment. For what little it’s worth my last post wasn’t specifically targeting/addressing you, especially seeing that you weren’t exactly acting in any official capacity as a mod - I was more concerned about the way adjudication surrounding this incident was actually communicated. (I.e. “Terk’s banned and no this decision will not be reversed” -> “Terk’s banned” with that second part quietly omitted -> “Terk’s been unbanned and we’ll be taking steps to make sure something like this doesn’t happen again” -> Terk immediately getting rebanned -> Terk getting reunbanned -> a weird period where the modlog up to a certain date was unviewable? Not sure what that was about.)

    Anyway that’s not me trying to relitigate how things went down, I just wanted to acknowledge your response since you very well could have said nothing and waited for things to blow over, and I appreciate it.

  • mxnoodles [she/her]tomemes😳 😳 😳
    4 years ago

    Your concern is well-founded and perhaps this is implicitly self-doxxing but it’s also funny picturing some random lurking chud cross-comparing the bookmarks lists of various gay fanfictions to find the common link.

  • mxnoodles [she/her]tostrugglesessionare dogs vegan
    4 years ago

    You can mentally append a “*Don’t really do this **Unless you really know what you’re doing and/or have consulted a veterinary nutritionist” disclaimer at the end of that post if you’d like

  • mxnoodles [she/her]toaskchapo*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Yeah I’m in a similar boat. Desperately applying to every mindnumbing remote office job I can find after a year of nonstop funeral work and more dead bodies than I’ve seen in all my other years combined already thoroughly somethingpilled me. At least this way I might get better health insurance!

  • Oh yeah, in terms of sheer Presence, nothing comes close to the real deal. The size, the sound, even just the way the detail-work on the facades of a lot of organs draw the eye like a gravitational pull - it touches on that idea of the Sublime not just as beauty, but as being wholly taken in by a force that could utterly destroy you.

    I used to daydream about a common space or some sort of public studio I guess, something large enough to house those kinds of instruments, with the responsibility of their use/care/maintenance spread out over as many musicians who want access to them. I can see how it’d be more complicated logistically than a dorm common room with an old standup piano, but a girl can dream.