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Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • “I believe that we owe Chile, and not just Chile but many aspects of that region, an apology,” Ocasio-Cortez told the Guardian in an interview at her campaign headquarters in the Bronx. “I don’t think that apology indicates weakness; I think it indicates a desire to meet our hemispheric partners with respect.

    “It’s very hard for us to move forward when there is this huge elephant in the room and a lack of trust due to that elephant in the room. The first step around that is acknowledgement and saying we want to approach this region in the spirit of mutual respect, and I think that’s new and it’s historic.”

    Yes, it's hard to build relationships with victims when we do not address our wrong-doings. She's so right.

    And in what became known as Operation Condor, eight US-backed military dictatorships – Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, Peru and Ecuador – jointly plotted the cross-border kidnap, torture and murder of hundreds of their political opponents.

    Imagine, this is the policy we thought was right back then. Crazy.

    In Chile, the group visited the Museum of Memory and Human Rights, which remembers the victims of the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. Ocasio-Cortez has introduced legislation to declassify documents that could shed light on the CIA’s involvement in the coup.

    Good on AOC - this is how the healing begins. We're long overdue on this. I'm so grateful for her and the many other like-minded politicians that are acknowledging past wrongs.

  • Kelly reportedly told Nordean that he wished there was an “alternative history” where he did something other than lead the Proud Boys, complimenting him as a smart and articulate man. Nordean – of Auburn, Washington – said: “I would like to apologize for my lack of leadership that day,” according to Jordan Fischer of the WUSA television news outlet.

    Sentencing Pezzola, Kelly said: “You were the one who smashed that window and let people begin to stream into that Capitol building and threaten the lives of our lawmakers. It’s not something I would have ever dreamed I would have seen in our country.”

    The wikipedia page on this guy is depressing too:


    The last page on the Wikipedia article is also sobering, with his father (restaurant owner) quoted thusly:

    In June 2020, Nordean's father issued a statement calling his son's beliefs "misguided" and reported, "Ethan no longer works for our restaurants." Following the storming of the Capitol and his son's arrest, he issued another statement that said, "We have tried for a long while to get our son off the path which led to his arrest today — to no avail. Ethan will be held accountable for his actions."

    What the judge said is true, he could have done so much better with his life. He'll be coming out of jail at 50+ with a destroyed reputation and nothing. He won't be there to raise his only child. He threw it all away for Trump and fascism.

    He has time to ponder that now.

  • It all started with a straightforward question. In June, when DeSantis stopped for a town hall event in Hollis, Mitchell raised his hand in the crowd.

    “Do you believe that Trump violated the peaceful transfer of power,” the teenager asked the governor, “a key principle of American democracy that we must uphold?”

    DeSantis dodged the question and said Americans shouldn’t get stuck in the past, but not before remarking—in a somewhat impressed, incredulous tone—on Mitchell’s age. “Are you in high school?” the governor asked.

    Trump is the gift that keeps on giving as he takes the gop down with him.

    Toward the end of the parade, Mitchell’s mother reunited with her son and then demanded an explanation from DeSantis for why his security detail was putting their hands on her boy, an interaction that was observed by a Boston Globe reporter on the scene.

    These people are sick.

    Ahead of their August 19 event, a staffer for Never Back Down reached out to Mitchell. USA Today let the PAC know that a photographer wanted to come photograph Mitchell for the upcoming profile. The staffer just wanted to confirm he would be in attendance.

    The teenager obliged. But after walking into the event, held in a firearm factory in Newport, he noticed something odd.

    It wasn’t just that he saw a pair of security guards flanking him as he made his way to the far side of the venue. The weird part was that Never Back Down staffers were taking photos of him. It was notable to Mitchell, even before he learned of the ominous caption—“got our kid”—that one staffer was seen attaching to a Snapchat photo.

    Wow, just wow...

    This teenager is great, smart, courageous, and I wish him the very best. I just wish we were handing off a better world to our children, instead of leaning on them to correct our mistakes.

  • Extensive video evidence documented Pezzola’s actions at the Capitol on Jan. 6, including a video he filmed inside after leading the breach. He was found guilty of assaulting, resisting or impeding certain officers, as well as stealing the police shield and other charges in May.

    Special kind of stupid.

    “Knew we could take this motherf----- over if we just tried hard enough,” he said in his own Jan. 6 video.

    Making the prosecutor's job so easy, it's pathetic.

    “Pezzola’s actions showed beyond a shadow of a doubt that he had intended to influence or affect the conduct of government by intimidation or coercion, or to retaliate against government conduct,” prosecutors wrote. “While sparring with police who were trying to quell the mob’s advance, Pezzola robbed an officer of his riot shield. Rather than taking actions consistent with his self-professed motive of self-defense, Pezzola celebrated, posing with the shield while flashing the Proud Boys hand gesture, and chanting ‘USA! USA!’ While holding the shield above his head triumphantly.”

    “It boggles my mind,” Kelly said of Pezzola’s actions during the riot, including smashing the window and filming a video of himself taking a “victory smoke” in the Capitol crypt.

    Truly a very special kind of stupid.

    During Friday’s hearing, Pezzola’s longtime partner, Lisa Magee, reiterated what she said on the stand at trial: that Pezzola was “a f—ing idiot.”

    I respect that about her.

    Magee, who testified that Pezzola was getting drunk and watching Fox News before Jan. 6, said that she’d already canceled cable news at their home. “I truly believe if he could go back and change … that day that he would," she said.

    Alcohol, Faux News, and an admiration for Trump. Each alone is an obvious recipe for disaster. But at least his girlfriend tried to help him.

    Magee and Pezzola’s mother both spoke before the court through tears and Pezzola could be seen holding his head in his hands and wiping away tears with a tissue while they spoke.

    I feel bad for the women/daughters in his life.

    He bares humility before the judge:

    Prior to his sentencing, Pezzola told the judge, “I stand before you today as a changed and humble man. I have never denied what I did on J6.”

    “This was the worst, most regrettable decision in my life and I’m truly sorry,” he said, promising that he would never again do anything that would land him in a courtroom.

    But on his way out, he shouts his lie in anger:

    While being led out of the courtroom after Kelly had departed, Pezzola turned towards the audience, raised one fist and shouted, “Trump won!”

    You know what? Fuck this fascist. Three years served, now throw in another 10. Good!