oralcumshot [hy/hym]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 31st, 2020


  • It's interesting how civilians murdering each other on the basis of race gets them branded as reactionaries but using the same label on those who murder on the basis of religion is a bit too far-fetched.

    It's also interesting how you selectively invoke that quote from Marx while conveniently omitting the wider point, that religion is the "illusory Sun" that "revolves around man as long as he does not revolve around himself". Which is to say, religion in practice is an organ of bourgeois reaction, used for the exploitation and estupefaction of the working class.

    You are an opportunist and a revisionist and wallahi you will one day be punished for your treachery.

  • It's baffling how stupid liberals like you don't realize that by being so afraid of even talking about or being associated with some, basically neutral thing, be it a meme, a subculture, scene or social space online that the right has even so much as vaguely tried to associate itself with, they are literally ceding ground and surrendering said thing to the right. The right barely has to do any effort to take over something it seems, just make the vaguest gesture that said thing is their turf and culture war obsessed lefties immediately hand it over to them because they are obsessed with appearing pure and free of anything even vaguely "problematic".

    You are a fucking idiot and in a perfect world you would be born without hands so that no one would ever have to read your shitty posts. Inshallah that happens to you one day