• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • have an even cleaner architecture

    Although I'm fully in camp functional, I doubt that. There are problems that are inherently stateful and rely on mutability. Modelling that in Haskell often results in unnecessary abstractions. I think Rust hits a sweet spot here (when you're that experienced to write idiomatic Rust, whatever that exactly is). Also being lazy by default has its own (performance) implications, strict + lazy iterators (like Rust) is a good default IMO.

  • True, Python has a very big userbase and a lot of cool libraries and is nice to quickly hack something together.

    Though the title of the post is

    If you had to choose one programming language that you had to use for the rest of your life, what would it be?

    So TMU I want to predict the future in a way that it positively affects me, and find a language that fulfills this role best (throughout the stack, so that I'm not limited). And honestly I wouldn't want to touch Python with a long stick, if the project is moderately complex (and isn't easily off-loadable to native libraries that Python builds upon) and say > 5000 LOC, the super dynamic nature of python is a curse in this regard.

  • Yeah the way you need to maintain two codebases: one for types and one for actual logic is annoying.

    Also nix is purely functional (which is necessary, for more information read the Nix Pills), Typescript is not, so unless it's only a purely functional subset or severely limits Nix (in the form of abstractions, after skimming over it, I think this is the case), it will run into issues...

  • Really? Is it necessary to ban people about making a valid argument. I know and also don't like people asking a low effort "What's the status of this" (and would totally get why such a thing would be marked off-topic, but a ban over something like this is still to harsh IMHO, they will learn, that such questions are not well-received over just the marking it as off-topic).

    But the comment discussed here has a valid concern (quickly closing issues that don't have satisfactory solution yet, without getting feedback).

    A better reaction would be to just ask, whether the issue at hand is still relevant, having [these] alternatives at hand etc.

  • Yeah my thinking as well.

    Addtionally, why I think other system language competitors like Zig or Nim aren't succeeding long-term, is because of fast growth and already big ecosystem of Rust. Zig may be better though for some use-cases (when you want to avoid all the mental overhead, and the application stays simple).

  • I don't think this will be a very big issue for the majority of the cases though. As long as it's configurable and not a (very) controversial change. Especially, since I don't think that feature requests on a programming focused community will be that much controversial...

    What I have observed so far: I think the maintainers are relatively open to changes (compared to a few other open source repos).

  • Depends on what you mean exactly with "file format".

    If declarative functional programming falls under that, I think something like Nickel, the already mentioned Dhall or Nix. Though Nix more so for packaging and some kind of system management (NixOS?), it's not easily embeddable into a runtime (your app?). Nickel or Dhall is better for that, as they are built from ground up with that in mind, Nickel is maybe the successor of Nix as it is inspired by Dhall and Nix (one goal is to use Nickel as frontend).

    The reason why I recommend a simple declarative language, is that they are IMHO much better composable as it lets the user hide boilerplate via functions. I almost always feel limited by static configuration formats like yaml, json etc..