If I abruptly disappear, it isn't because I don't love you rather it's because some jerk used me in his transporter experiment and now I'm stuc..... transporter sound

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I love how upset some people get about Tilly serving on a big burly masculine warship that sometimes has the serious job of killing people.

    If a crew like this didn't have people like Tilly on it, it would have fallen catastrophically apart after the 10th crisis or so.

    Especially in this season it so obvious how Tilly's intelligence manifests in being able to bypass entire complexes of prejudice and social norms (perceived and unconscious, spoken and unspoken) whether they be human or alien, and get right to the point with somebody. In an organization that is constantly trying to establish trust with a variety of unknown actors, Tilly is an incredible asset.

    Stay angry, fools.

    edit You know what is actually hilarious, TNG failed to really use Troi's empathetic mind reading in interesting ways for most of its run, to the shows great detriment, but Tilly is basically who Troi would have been if Troi hadn't been sidelined or written to be unconfident or naive for the stupidest reasons in most episodes. Tilly regularly walks into rooms and nearly instantaneously perceives the emotional context of the people in the room (whether or not she knows them that well) and boldly addresses it head on in a way that somehow isn't overbearing, aggressive or intimidating. I don't understand how this can be understood as anything but a minor superpower.

  • Something I find funny is that a lot of people who don’t know Star Trek that well and have only seen a couple of episodes assume Star Trek is the super optimistic view of humanity that is unrealistically positive about humanities future when if you actually look at the timeline in the 2000s and 2100s Star Trek is actually seriously apocalyptic. Humanity doesn’t turn to a good future out of some inevitable human kindness, it tries violence over and over again until some crazy guy makes a warp engine out of the rubble of destroyed civilization and the Vulcans show up.

  • It's a good thing Riker is pretty.

    Imagine an episode where Riker goes around acting like his normal pretty self and charming the shit out of people.. but he is the first of the crew to be affected by a virus that subdues the human capacity to be authentically charming and all of a sudden all the normal ridiculous shit he gets away with because he is so charming starts back firing on him. At the worst part of the episode for Riker he would go to sit down with a fellow shipmate who was upset at him because he messed up a delivery of a joke and offended them but as he is in the middle of the Riker manuever he just plows the chair over clumsily.

  • It would make way more sense for Stargate cosplayers to be at a renfaire since every single planet they went to on that series seemed to have villagers at about the renaissance level of technology (gotta wonder, did they have access to a bunch of medieval/renaissance sets for cheap lol?).

    Of course, if you went as Stargate cosplayers you would have to basically dress up as para military wannabe chuds who’s personalities revolve around owning useless guns (like sword person who is obsessed with swords but way less fun) and being a bigot. People might not even recognize you are in costume and just assume you are a bunch of losers who express their freedom by going to renfaires carrying around murder weapons and dressing in tactical gear.


    …better to go as the Star Trek cosplayers lol.

  • Well I haven’t gotten that particular conspiracy theory off the ground yet, still trying to get people in on that one.

    I think it is everything you could want from a conspiracy theory though, you just steal all the same talking points from flat earthers but apply the conspiracy in so much more of a petty and meaningless direction that I think it has real potential.

  • A bunch of people create the most OP way of travelling and barely use it, and don’t tell me that the ship is unique and Stamets is the only person in the universe in the following centuries to be able to use it, because that just doesn’t make any sense, it’s a cheap trick to justify why such an incredible technology has never been mentioned after, not even by a super villain that gives no crap about genetic augmentation.

    That wasn’t really the reason, the reason wasn’t nobody else could figure it out or that nobody wanted to do it because it required genetic modification, the reason was that jumping on the mycelial network was actively killing it unless I am misremembering things which is in line with the rest of star trek’s ethos (how about the DS9 episode where they help the dominion destroy a trans warp gate for example? There are other technologies that are abandoned and hidden for the greater safety of the universe all over Star Trek, it can be really silly I agree but I don’t think discovery is unique here.