they/them, ona/ona

mi toki e toki pona

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • oki dw, sounds like youve been doing just fine then. btw, my partner injects at 90°, but ive also seen it done at 45°. i dont think it matters much as long as u use a needle short enough for subq and inject in the right locations. check out this video starting at about 2:10 for the process my partner uses (altho id say this person does it at 45°? hard to tell for sure).

    pls pls pls look into getting blood tests as soon as ur situation allows it. those are important to make sure ur regimen actually works for u, altho i do understand how it might not be possible for u at the moment.

  • Hii,

    Basically Im realizing I do things way different to how providers recommend and am a bit anxious...

    if ur talking abt dosages, those seem to be all over the place for injectable estrogen. u shouldnt blindly take what is suggested on the packaging of ur vials. in my experience, it tends to be wayy too high.

    you should use a 23-25g needle. It also says that you should never draw up estrogen with these needles and you should use a larger needle for that.

    23-25g works fine for drawing up. i draw up using a 23g. the thinner the needle gets, the harder it is to draw up the solution. thats the only difference. theres nothing wrong with drawing up using a 30g needle, its just gonna take a little longer to draw up the amount u need.

    for subq injection, a 30g needle is what id also recommend since u dont feel it as much as u would a thicker needle (i.e. lower gauge than 30g).

    idk about the last questions, sorry.

    hope this helps! <3