I'm a robotics researcher. My interests include cybersecurity, repeatable & reproducible research, as well as open source robotics and rust programing.

  • 101 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I don't know of many recorded audio books, but you could also use a Text to Speech engine to listen to any technical blogs or articles. I use Android apps like Pocket or T2S to queue up a backlog of TODO read items, then when I'm out for a long walk, I can just press play and let the TTS do it's thing. Of course, I curate this list for longer pure text reads, devoid of code snippets, equations, or visual graphics that TTS would have a tough time conveying over audio.

    Looks like I may need to find a successor to pocket. They do a great job scraping connect via readable mode, but I'd like to find a shelf hosted or mobile+offline app equivalent for queuing up web articles, just in case pocket gets cut from further development by Mozilla management.

  • Pro tip: If you check the conical URL (youtube.com) first, the Lemmy web UI will help catch reposts before they are accidentally submitted.


    I switched from using the short (e.g youtube.be) or external URL mirrors for that same reason, and just let the bots comment with privacy mirrors for those who prefer. Using the conical URL, aside from cross post detection, also ensures the thumbnail image and preview text get cached consistently.

  • Image transcription: Screenshot

    A wide crop of a screenshot zoomed in on r/place's pixel canvas, where a white on black pixelated font reads:

    never forget what
    was stolen from you!

    With the slogan boarded on the right by the r/blind logo (a snoo wearing sunglasses, holding a cane, standing next to a guide dog). The small p.d logo for programming.dev is squarely tucked above and to the left of RBlind's snoo. Lastly, boarded along the bottom is a row of third party Reddit app icons, from left to right:

    1. Apollo
    2. ?
    3. Boost for Reddit
    4. ?

    13. Reddit is Fun
    14. Sync for Reddit

    *I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! *

  • Image Transcription: Meme

    A photo of an opened semi-trailer unloading a cargo van, with the cargo van rear door open revealing an even smaller blue smart car inside, with each vehicle captioned as "macOS", "Linux VM" and "Docker" respectively in decreasing font size. Onlookers in the foreground of the photo gawk as a worker opens each vehicle door, revealing a scene like that of russian dolls.

    *I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! *

  • You can change the color theme from the setting page under the top right drop-down. But it would be nice to have something like Reddit Extension Suite for the default Lemmy UI front end for custom defined CSS.

    I think once we get a few more third party clients to explore alternative UIs, folks should have more options for personal preference.

    One thing I like about the current web UI already is the low noise in embedded text in the discussion threads. E.g. when I engage my screen reader, all I have to listen to when moving between comments is the post author and post date. Just enough context to understand the TTS engine moving between comments, unlike the old.reddit.com UI that include 5 or 6 different hyperlinked words (parent, context, permalink, etc) that the TTS has two repeat over and over again.

    The hover text for icon links should be enough UI context for screen readers, although not all icon links on the current Lemmy UI seem to include hover text meta data, like the permalink chain icon 🔗, while the collapse minimize icon does.