• 5 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 29th, 2024


  • That claim was made by Comrade Stalin in 1924, a decade before the rise of fascism in Germany. The assessment turned out to be unhelpful and Stalin himself abandoned this theory. In 1935 the Comintern changed from the "social fascism" to the "popular front" theory.

    Did the social democrats not fight against fascism hard enough? Yes. Are they our political enemy because they support capitalism? In the grand narrative yes, but for specific goals in the near future inside bourgeois states, likely not. Does that make them fascists? No. If supporting capitalism makes them fascists, any other ideology besides communism would be fascist and the word would lose its meaning.

    Pontificating about the true nature of one group or another is idealism. Look at the material goal you have at hand, the concrete thing your org is trying to accomplish right now, and see who will be for or against you. It is idealism to do otherwise. Just because social democrats in general don't want to kill landlords does not mean specific people who call themselves socdems won't join a tenants union. You judge people individually, you assess their motives and resolve individually, you do the same for specific organiztions, and you see how they fall in terms of power and alignment for the specific goal you have.

  • There have been gains made by anarchist movements. Much of the major retreats the IMF took in the early 2000s were the direct result of the Direct Action Network, for example. Anarchists were majorly involved in Occupy (a radical mass moment that, i.m.o. because of the lack of a vanguard party, petered out). Long-term sustainability and viability is what they lack. They have had lasting gains in capitalist states (the 8 hour day, etc.), they have had revolutions, but after the revolution starts they can't seem to stick it out.

    The important thing about being a communist is about not pontificating on the true spirit of this person or that group. You look at material things you aim to do and see who is against you and for you on an issue by issue basis as you build worker power. Spending time wondering what the true nature of an ideology's followers is is idealism.

  • This news is actually a little hard to interpret.
    To quote the article: " The amount will now be diversified into corporate assets "
    Japan's central bank does bailouts of the capitalist class by purchasing stock. It owns 4.7% of all public stock in all of Japan.
    So this may not be them moving toward abandoning the dollar (the watcher.guru article mentions that they are selling US and EU bonds but no percentages).