soyboy [she/her]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2020


  • the takes on this board get worse everyday...
    gender is socially constructed, but our bodies and sexual attractions to them aren't. transition may change your body, but not for everyone and pretty much never to the point where it's comparable to cis people. if someone doesn't like a certain kind of genitalia that doesn't make them transphobic. stop pushing this delusional shit, it's textbook ammunition for terfs

    -> inb4 "age is just a number and those are socially constructed as well"

  • soyboy [she/her]
    tomainTankies 🤝 Vegans: Kulaks deserve it
    4 years ago

    this makes about as much sense as disabled people claiming they need slaves to help them with their life. but i get it, you need excuses and judging by the votes, 90% of this place is anorexic