• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Sure I'll gladly admit that to have a government agency that tampers with elections and persecutes people for having political opinions is fucked up. The practices of the NIS are akin to that of an authoritarian government, which stand against the liberal values I like. That being said, it doesn't really hold a candle to what North Korea does with their "elections."

    I'll also admit that I am acting like a douchebag because I think it's fun. But you can't come here to morally grandstand while screeching at me to read. You say all that shit when you can't really give me any specific piece of information to bolster your arguments. You say that NK concedes stuff or whatever but you didn't give me anything. And from the little that I've read just now, it looks like NK is worse than I thought. I didn't even know anything about how they effectively force people to vote. I also thought that the food shortages might be overblown but apparently not. The best your lot could give me the inconsequential misinfo about NK and their hairstyles is not true or that SK also has human rights and democracy violations. It still doesn't justify supporting the tyrannical government of NK.

  • the opinion of the people regarding political entities is inconsequential and easily influenced Is this what you say every night to feel better about how your tankie ideology is lamented by any reasonable person in a democratic

    Now I can't say I am an expert in Korean history but it seems that NK wants the US out of SK not because they're afraid of US attacks but because they want to take over SK. But you know Kim is pretty smart keeping his people uninformed about the world outside his country since it's probably gonna be bad for him. If people really knew that he was not willing to give up his nuclear bullshit and keeping his people perpetually in the verge of famine while their southern counterparts are economically thriving, he probably would lose a lot of his popularity. He's not making the same mistake as East Berlin that's for sure.

    Also, I wouldn't say that Trump got concessions from NK. I was saying that the opinion of the SK people was swayed because they saw hope since the summit was between Moon and Kim would be fruitful. The poll was after the May/2018 inter korean summit not the disastrous september/2018 singapore summit. Honestly, I wasn't clear enough there I'll give you that (not being sarcastic).

  • The diamond industry sucks don't get me wrong. But the real culpurists are the dumbfuck diamond buyers.

    My friend is a diamond salesperson and told me a story about one of their customers. They were looking at different pieces and the customer kept asking about the purity of the diamonds in the piece. Whenever my friend said it's "SI," the customer would be visibly disappointed and would ask for "VS" or "VVS" which are purer. My friend then got annoyed a bit and told the customer that purity doesn't matter once you reach "SI" since the impurities are not really visible by the naked eye. He even showed the customer 2 pieces with one looking 10 times better than the other but has SI diamonds and the non-pretty piece has VS diamonds. He asked the customer to tell him which is which and the customer wrongly said the SI one was more pure. Even after he revealed his ruse and showed that purity doesn't matter much, the customer kept asking for more pure pieces as if nothing happened.

    These "people" literallly are willingly being lied to, and they like it. If a diamond buyer saw a piece, told you they love it, told you they would buy it, then you told them it's a synthetic, they would be disgusted. It's bullshit from all sides and they deserve eachother.

  • spookedbyroaches@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlPower Sources
    9 months ago

    These are valid criticisms and they should be addressed. I think the main issue is that this is urgent and we can't wait to do the amount of surveying or studying enough to guarantee a safe dumping. I'm just assuming here since no one said anything about that. But I think it's a valid assumption since the disaster is 12 years old. If they are rushing this after let's say 8 years of studying it, then whatever time they have left to fill up the tanks is probably not gonna be enough.

    Every single decision we make is based on "current science" since we didn't invent a time machine just yet to look at the future. Just because science has messed up in the past, doesn't mean we should paralyze ourselves now.

    What are these alternative treatments that the government rejected? How much more effective are they vs how much more do they cost? If treatment "A" gives us a 5% chance of a better outcome and costs 80% more, then it makes sense. If it was an 80% better outcome for 80% more cost then yeah they did mess up.

  • spookedbyroaches@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlPower Sources
    9 months ago

    There's a bit more nuance here. Fron this article, the plan is to treat the water to decontaminate it, then dilute it as much as possible because the treatment cannot remove some isotopes which could cause problems. The 30 year plan is actually a good thing since this would dilute the isotopes further making the risk minimal according to IAEA and the US. There are some independent labs that voice concerns for more data though.

    The main issue is that the tanks that are supposed to hold the contaminated cooling seawater are filling up quick, so they need to add some space. Unless there's a better plan, it's either that or the tanks overflow.

  • I agree that golang is being dumb when you don't even have the option to tell it that this is a testing env or something. But the thing about syntax highlighting is not the same. One is about handholding the developer so much that it makes it even more difficult to develop, and the other is a completely optional feature that is so uselful and non intrusive that even wizardly editors like emacs use it.