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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 26th, 2023


  • If anyone is curious, in the US this is illegal unless the charity is actively displaying the art as part of their charitable mission (I.e. a museum accepts it, and it’s worth displaying).

    If it’s for any charity that does not display art, you’re limited to deducting the cost of the item at acquisition ($1,000) which makes this not a loophole at all.

    The real problem is we need more IRS agents to investigate whether or not any of the contributions are fraudulent.

  • More than a couple centuries - but dead isn’t quite right. While it wasn’t spoken in most Jewish enclaves, it was still used in all religion and quite a lot of commerce and literature. Most practicing Jews knew Hebrew, even if they did not use it in daily life. Jews from different countries often used Hebrew to communicate - mostly in writing because it was the common language they would both know.

    Books have been published in Hebrew more or less continuously, including the first printing press in in the Middle East (now in what is Israel) in 1577 printed books in Hebrew.

    Hebrew has never been dead - it just wasn’t used because most Jews lived in countries that spoke other languages that Jews learned and often created pidgin dialects like Yiddish (and others).

    It is not like a bunch of zionists taught all the worlds’ Jews Hebrew, but if you put a German Jew and a Russian Jew in the same room, the only language they would both know is Hebrew.
