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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • No, I'm not saying to tone it down. I'm saying pick the targets better. It leads to the wrong results to treat everyone like they're the enemy.

    Is the goal to push people away and create a small community of coordinated bullies, or is it to bring as many people as possible on board with a message?

    The white liberals asked the Civil Rights movement to stop by basically suggesting they had nothing to protest about. I don't know how to be clearer that I recognize there is a lot to protest about and more people should get in on it.

    My goal here is to maximize the amount of people who understand the plight, not to ask you all to stop. I simply believe there are better ways than just getting mad at the first sign of a disagreement and dogpiling on that person with memes and anger.

  • There are different ways to be effective and the very real downside of the bad behaviour method is that it pushes people the other way and creates overcompensation if the receiver of the behaviour cannot figure out what the problem is.

    Like I get it when applied to someone who is being a troll on purpose but if it's someone who just went the wrong direction a bit, it can push them further down that path.

    That's why there are so many people now who wonder how fell for it but still to this day have a reservation about social justice and feminism. They still harbour resentment from the bullying.

  • I'd say you're being more revisionist than I am. You know it was well orchestrated but you're totally missing what the methods and mechanisms to convince the "middle" were. It didn't become a movement almost literally overnight because the extremists all went mask off.

    Were you even there when it grew and happened? It sounds like you missed it entirely and only know about it from after-the-fact recordings that can't possibly capture the actual contemporary phenomena as it gripped communities in front of us.

    Also, the nature of the replies to my comment are more in line with how GGers responded than it isn't. Please go back and reconsider how my comment was actually about how bad behaviour fosters more bad behaviour.

  • No, I'm not blaming SRS for GamerGate. Nor did I say SRS was ineffective either. You've misunderstood what I actually said and, consequently, this does not feel like you're actually responding to me but to some other sentiment you've detected in the past and have falsely ascribed back to me.

    My focus is on how bad behaviour leads to bad behaviour. In fact the last time I experienced multiple people purposefully misinterpreting what I said in order to get mad at me was... GamerGaters.

  • Not scientific but we also haven't been in this weird new internet era long enough for there to be that much science.

    I firmly believe GamerGate only happened because things like ShitRedditSays and bullying culture raised the emotional intensity of discourse, which of course caused wilder swings in the other direction.

    Many people who jumped on board with GG originally weren't people trying to harass women, they were people upset with all the condescension and derision they got from what were labelled "SJWs".

    (NOTE: I am extremely anti-GG so any sensitivity to this is because I want to avoid another far right incel neckbeard movement, but this time with more political violence).

    I don't have a horse in this race. All of the discourse in these communities (including lemmygrad and hexbear) don't really concern me. I don't feel made fun of or attacked by anything I see going one way or the other. But the tone of the posts I see from these instances really reminds me of the highly hostile groups of old like SRS and KIA.

    Like I think a lot of it is being done ironically? I hope so anyway. But eventually irony turns into sincerity.

    The adage "you catch more flies with honey than vinegar" has been around for good reason. So far, these communities that have reached the main pages in other federations haven't exactly put forth a welcoming or informative attitude. Especially when so many people are trying to figure out how federations even work, it's not easy to go and find the more educational and informative parts behind the bullying, dunking culture posts that do seem to make it to the top.

    I honestly have zero clue what these federations are trying to be. It seems fun but there's also an element that seems weirdly serious and intense about being mean. I'm just confused by what the actual tone is supposed to be.

    I hope my posting these thoughts here instead of complaining on other federations signals that this is just a genuine observation for the purposes of promoting healthy and quality discourse and maybe to foster some thoughts about how to treat others who aren't trying to cause fights (and, hey, if someone is being a troll, then I'm pro loosing a can of ass kicking). I'm not here to piss on anyone's parade but merely to suggest that second and third order consequences from large groups like these adopting certain attitudes are real, and have happened before.