Atleast it isnt haunted
Atleast it isnt haunted
it always comes to this. "log off" never question other poeples posts
A cop flying a gadsden flaf
Why do you keep banning me despite never doing any harm
Because i dont need it to want us all to have a good life without landlords and ceos
yure the ones that need help. Dont you see how fucked up your world view is
Im a materialist so i can see how the previous socialist experiaments failed and were immediatly seized by authorianism leading to their doom
lmao are yyou going to somehow convince some people that YOUR ideas of how the GOVERNMENT is run is the right one?
Removed Comment I would like to be called @Phosphophyllite. your naive support for authoritarianism keeps me coming ...
I would like to be called @Phosphophyllite. your naive support for authoritarianism keeps me coming back in hopes that you see how byreaucracy fails by Coommunism reason: Harassment
Iget banned for this shit but you refuse to use my chisen user name
lamo how are the productive forces developed with suicide nets and landlords? is it with the stock market or with a police state controlling your social media sites, porn, music, anime or your political parties
Lol "our democracy" would have been too hard for these tankies
You dont have the same end goals as me. i want to destroy the state and all power it can project on the people. As "a leftist" i want to achieve communism and you can just look at the ussr how their totalitarian project went
"sectarianism" means you have political opponents. hod does that go along with socialism?
you have the same agenda
Are you going to ban me again for not going against your authoritarian agenda?
its still u/phosphophyllite
oc course sectarianism is against the rules
I tought marxists loooove when our demcratically elected state leaders use their godly powers to run peoples lives
Unban me