I hate people that are comfortable and 'content'. I feel old beyond my years mentally and I still want to see fire burn this whole thing down
I hate people that are comfortable and 'content'. I feel old beyond my years mentally and I still want to see fire burn this whole thing down
Yes. I actively hate therapists at this point
What is the deal
I might look into it
Figured the title would work
When the revolution comes I will be paying people for rape-apologist faces to consume
Maybe I'm a bit over the top. I'm at my wits end here. My brain is fucking haunted and every neuron has been overwritten with trauma. Imagine how many people live like this, who could have been productive and maybe even brilliant members of society? Instead, we let rapists run rampant and grind good will and social development into dust. If there is ever revolution, there will be thousands of women 'handling' rapists in a pent up rage that has been left to fester for too long
Oh and FUCK reddit, whenever I try to vent their spam filter deletes my shit or I get downvoted for daring to hate rapists
Mmm Yikes