frying the onions separately is a kind of magic huh
"When he had a vision for something, whether it's a simple message playing on the screen or something, and you do the work, display it on a monitor, and you look at people that have this vision and see their eyes light up, that's satisfaction."
A man after my own heart
Shootin' Ropes of Sand
Latest Radio War Nerd has an exerpt from Wilbur Crane Evelyn's memoir Ropes of Sand where he meets Nasser and simps his ass off. It hasn't been fashionable to talk about another man that way since before the invention of the storm lantern.
Is this a promise or a lamentation
when did people start using the term "Loud Rock" and what does it mean. I'm lost
Valve gets so expressive with their shaders and effects sometimes it's bonkers. the Citadel core comes to mind
I did a GPUless build in a tiny case based on a youtube guide for small form factor emulation PCs and it can still run fuckin' Hitman 3. the era of the steam deck has been good to me
Hooting and slapping my copy of The Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee. The author's refusal to explicitly state the cultural context and history until later means you're constantly grasping at the world's history a tasteful amount. I don't know if it's a book I'd recommend to everyone since it can be kind of a headache, but the degree of disorientation is like catnip to me
If you listen to his vocal performance of But Not For Me you can get a glimpse of the original Sapphic White Boy
Codec call between meryl and snake complimenting her on her dirk
from where does this urge to play team fortress 2 come, and to where should it go? I can't go back to high school and play the team fortress 2 of my youth after all
momma didn't raise no simp
I've been saying it for years: warlordism is the slimmest form of government
As an unreformed sonic enjoyer I think this is the case. The abstract concept of a sonic game is so much more enjoyable than the material reality of a sonic game
FM8 is my guy. Routing table that includes a filter and a noise generator is exactly how my brain is shaped, no notes
philip glass fans be like "repetition is a form of change"
Taking a shower always clears things up for me, then take in some Brood War casts for entertainment