I came across this, which shows the actual trend line for hurricanes and tropical storms, including those that did not make landfall - https://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/historical-atlantic-hurricane-and-tropical-storm-records/
I came across this, which shows the actual trend line for hurricanes and tropical storms, including those that did not make landfall - https://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/historical-atlantic-hurricane-and-tropical-storm-records/
I was under the impression that the number of hurricanes that made landfall had been increasing in recent decades, but the bottom chart suggests it’s about constant. Maybe it’s just the total number of storms then?
Air. Can’t go more than a minute or two without it, and there’s enough to share!
Is that pedal set up up to drive the machine, or is it just for looks?
From the article:
The richest 1 percent (77 million people) were responsible for 16 percent of global consumption emissions in 2019 —more than all car and road transport emissions. The richest 10 percent accounted for half (50 percent) of emissions.
To be a member of the richest 1% of the world you need a net worth of about $800k -- so while the billionaire class is still a massive problem, an even larger problem ecologically is that tens of millions of moderately wealthy people from wealthy nations have massively outsized carbon footprints.
Think the Baltics have a vested interest in seeing Ukraine succeed?
A "0 books" category would make this a lot more telling, unless "Less than 5" explicitly means 1-4
I think E2EE would be a great addition -- and certainly a necessary one for proper DM support -- but what I would really love to see is a version where the instance can act like a certificate authority in a SSL/TLS-like trust chain, so that each user could publish and revoke keys for different purposes. Then I might have separate keys for different groups or individual members, kind of like Google+ (remember that?) used to have "circles" and now FB has Friend List or X/Twitter has Circles.
This is a good, short read. For those who are unfamiliar with the AGPL license that the author proposes we all start using, the main difference (and I am not a lawyer) is that under the AGPL, the source code including any modifications must also be made available to all users interacting with the software over a network. This prevents companies from making proprietary versions of AGPL software that are only accessible as a web service, which is one of the big ways that corporations are able to profit from GPL source code contributions these days.
The runners-up in an Emperor Palpatine look-alike contest.
When did we get away from saying “X - formerly known as Twitter” ? I liked seeing that gentle nudge in every headline.
Had they been real at the time they would have shipped with a 30-lb NiCad battery that provided 10 minutes of power and set your pants on fire.
I think we’re all a little better off for Sabine being on YouTube.
Cat software running on dog hardware.
(As opposed to a cheetah, which is dog software running on cat hardware)
The reason is that the cost of living in the US has been decoupled from wage inflation for a long time.
These days the government’s inability to regulate industry (due to partisan gridlock) combined with the fact that corporations used the period of high inflation to also hike prices has made it even worse for those who were already living on or close to the margin.
I heard someone won an award for the fjords...
I’m interested, but not $105 interested unfortunately.
This is so terrible it physically pains me.
The duck's name was also the inspiration for the blaster's iconic sound