genital stuff, sex stuff
So I have virtually zero sex drive. It's never really bothered me, but part of me has always wondered if it was a low testosterone thing, and that wonder has increased drastically since I apparently had a history of that when I was way younger and my mom didn't tell me 'til very recently.
So all of that to say, I'm kind of wondering if I will gain a sex drive as my hormone levels approach what they should be. I'm also told that if I don't use my penis while on HRT it'll hurt a lot if I try to again. That's something I want to avoid, but I have quite literally never masturbated or anything out of a lack of interest. So I'm at this weird spot of maybe being horny and wanting to do sex stuff later but not really having any good way to keep my member from the edge of death.
I'm not sure how much sense I'm making. I don't really have a specific question outside of "is this a legit worry", but I'm looking for thoughts from the infinitely wise trans council
Oh so it's something you can ease back into by taking breaks and stuff? That's comforting. I didn't want it to be like a permanent thing.
I'm not sure if its HRT related I'd just heard that around and wasn't sure if it was a thing, which is part of why I brought it up here haha