yewler [she/her]

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Joined 27 days ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2024


  • Holy shit reading this post set my noggin spinning. Because that's exactly what I've been feeling. Gender is made up bullshit anyway so what the hell am I doing thinking about transitioning into the opposite end of an arbitrary binary. Everything in me feels like non binary makes the most logical sense for me.

    I really don't feel like a man, and I don't feel like a woman. But I prefer the fuck out of femme pronouns and my aggressively femme sounding name.

    Is nonbinary she/her like... A thing? Cause I think that might be me as fuck. Judging by your post and your set pronouns, is that how you identify?

  • My libido is basically zero and nothing has changed on that front, but after realizing that I'm not aromantic, I just don't want to date as a guy, I was watching a movie with a scene of romantic intimacy, and it clicked in my brain. "OH! that's why people bang! Emotional intimacy!" Which is something I knew conceptually, but that was the first time I actually understood. And for the first time ever I thought "you know what that could actually be kinda nice."

    I'm so curious what is gonna happen if/when I get my ass on hrt.

  • I kept most of my letters the same but gave a few of my letters little tails that they didn't have before (l, a, t, and q now have little tails). I rounded out my A's, W's and M's instead of having them be pointy. I also padded out my spacing just a wee little bit to give all of the letters their room to breathe.

    I think a lot of it is consistency. I sort of obsessed over making my writing consistent as a kid, so I really just carried over most of my habitual writing and made the few minor adjustments described above. Still experimenting, but I'm vibing with it a lot so far.